Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I'm Tired: Keeping Your Distance 24

I'm tired.

Tired of trying to fight the madness.  Tired of trying to advocate for what should have been evident since...well, forever.

But my heart is broken...again and again.

So, let me say it once again, as loud as I can...

Donald Trump is not fit for public office.

Never has been.

Never will be.

It's true. Many of us have fundamental disagreements on where this country should head.  Some of you have lips that curl even at the word 'government.'  Others get wound up at the thought of 'millionaires and billionaires.'  Some think religion is all about personal sexual morality.  Some think it's about how we treat others.  

But no matter who you are, whatever economic or political or religious theory drives you, I don't understand why we can't agree on one thing -

Donald Trump is a dangerous incompetent.

Did Donald Trump create the coronavirus virus?  No, but he created the deadly mess we're in now.

He delayed our reaction to it.  We are still scrambling to catch up.

Now he is pushing us to reopen faster than even his own health advisers recommend.  It will result in many more falling sick and more subsequent death.

This is what is tiring me out the most this morning.

There was a poll mentioned on a morning news show this AM.  It said that only 36% believed Donald Trump was telling us the truth about the coronavirus virus and how we are or should be dealing with it.  He lies and lies and lies.

Then they gave the kicker - that Donald Trump's approval rating was 45%.

That is horrifying.  That means there is a 9% gap of people who knows he's lying but still approve of him.

My question to those in that group - 


What the hell is WRONG with you???

I'm tired.  So tired.  I'm a complete loss as to how to wake my Trumpeteer friends up.

It's exhausting.  I want to stop.

But I'm not going to.

Too much is at stake.


  1. They know he lies, but they think he’s do a better job with the economy than Biden. You know, the stock market is almost back where it was before the pandemic, so he must know business....never mind that most of his supporters don’t own stocks or have enough invested in it to let them retire in dignity.

  2. I found it fascinating that on a day when the unemployment rate was announced, higher than any since the Great Depression, the markets reaction was to rise almost 500 points. It demonstrated the huge disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street.

    As far as what people have in IRAs and 401k's, as someone who deals in tax prep, I see how little people have in those things , and how often they use them rather than save them, willingly taking the tax hit fir early withdrawal.

  3. Hang in there, Tom! I agree with Benita...November! Stay Safe and Sane.
