Saturday, February 6, 2021

A Nation of Many Parties: Saturday Political Soap Box 267


We are a nation of many parties.

And no, I'm not talking about stuff like Super Bowl parties or Valentine's gatherings, all of which SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!

No, I'm talking about how we are a nation of multiple parties forced to work through a duopoly controlled primarily through large donors.

If you read other political posts of mine, you will see I am an advocate for a multiple party format like they have in other successful democracies, that will better allow for coalitions and compromises to achieve legislation.

It's true that our electoral system is designed to favor a two-party system.  There would have to be reforms to allow a multiple party system to thrive.

Currently, there are at least four political parties in Congress, trying hard to behave as if there are two.  At different times, the struggles within one of the major parties are more apparent than the struggles in the other.  Right now, that is more apparent in the Republican Party.

Without further afroofroo, these are the four major political parties/divisions that I see that make up the 117th Congress. My numbers are based on the 117th, 435, with three vacant seats assigned as to how I think they will fall when their special elections are held.

Progressive Party

This is the party of bold new ideas, a transformative politics designed to move us into the future, addressing the major problems facing us - health care (Medicare For All or something as inclusive), the climate crisis (the Green New Deal or something as comprehensive), and economic inequality (a living wage, a fairer tax system, consumer protections, and more).  On the surface, they seem like big spenders, but in the past, I have seen them produce some of the best budget-balancing plans to come out of Congress.

Yes, this is my party.  Their greatest weakness is to sometimes wander into what is referred to as Cancel Culture or over political correctness.  That's more true of Progressive commentators and media than it is of our actual representatives.  I love the internet media giant TYT, but sometimes they are very narrow and exclusive as to who they consider a Progressive.  That kind of ideological purity is maddening.

Numbers in the House: 94.  This estimate is based on the number of members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Examples of Progressives:  Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Democratic Party

This is the Democratic Party that went into retreat during the Reagan Era and has never fully come back out.  They believe in government, and they want to improve things, albeit at a much slower and measured pace than Progressives.  An example - Progressives would like a $15 minimum wage to happen NOW...Democrats may want it to be an extended step ladder over many years that gradually reaches $15 an hour...maybe...with some exceptions.

They are more beholden to big donors and therefore willing to compromise to needed legislation to meet their donor demands.  

It is important to note that they do believe in government.  They do believe in problem-solving.  They can get things done- if they get the numbers to do so.

Numbers in the House:  129.  

Examples of  Democrats:  Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Joe Manchin.

Patriot Party

Yeah, I'm using the description I think they will eventually call themselves.  More accurate would be the American Fascist Party, ergo - the Trump Rump (what an image that is - but it fits).  These are people devoted blindly to the cult of Trump. There's not a whole lot of policy goals to this - maybe build the wall, shore up conservative religion, keep the white culture in charge—a lot of what else is up to what dear leader thinks.  Trump's against the $2,000 covid stimulus checks?  Of course!  It's SOCIALISM!  Trump's for the $2,000 stimulus checks?  Of course!  It's our God-given RIGHT!

Numbers in the House:  85.  This is my wildest guess.  The Freedom Caucus 49?  The 61 who voted against Liz Cheney's leadership position?  The 138 scumbags who voted to decertify Pennsylvania's electoral votes even after an insurrection?  The fear of Trump is still strong in the Republican Party, so it's hard to get a clean number.  Ultimately, I just went with my best guess average.

Examples of Patriots: Donald Trump, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Majorie Taylor Greene.

Republican Party

Once you remove the Trump fear factor, these are the people trying to harken back to more traditional Republican values (Reagen era) - low taxes, deregulation, conservative corporate-friendly judges, and wars for economic power reasons.  They ally with the Trumpers when convenient.  Okay, they have sold their soul to the Trumpers.  Bur even more important to them than the Trumpers are their corporate and wealthy donors, which they are more enthrall to than any other political party/division.

This used to be a popular philosophy. It's not now, which is one reason they have to ally themselves with the Trumpers.  Alone, they would win very few elections. I mean, really, is there anyone left on the planet who actually thinks that Trickle Down Economics works?

Numbers in the House: 127.  Again, this number is cloudy because they are all still hiding under the shadow of Trump.

Examples of Republicans: Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Susan Effing Collins, Adam Kinzinger.

Are there other viable political parties in America?  Probably, and they might emerge under a true multi-party system.  The Green Party, Democratic Socialists, Reform Party, the Libertarian Party - these and others are all possibilities.

The most chatter I hear is about Libertarians.  There is chatter amongst some millennials that SAY they lean that way.  But it is confusing.  If you get 100 people in a room who say they are Libertarians, you'll get 100 very different, very distinct ideas about what a Libertarian is. Is it Justin Amash who stood up for the impeachment of Trump?  Is it the Pauls (Ron & Rand) whose idea of Libertarianism does not extend to women's reproductive rights?  I'm not ruling out the emergence of a more prominent Libertarian Party - I'm just not really sure what it would look like.

Whatever the makeup of the political parties, we should be able to agree on one thing -

If you threaten the life of other elected officials or any American for that matter, you should be expelled.

That should be a no-brainer.

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