Monday, February 22, 2021

Return of the Monday Musings

This is only my seventh blog entry of the month. 

It is a-fixin' to be my lowest production month in many a'year.

It's a struggle to reshape my schedule to restore a consistent time that I can write.

I can't guarantee every morning, but I think I've created a pocket of about 11 minutes where I can write.

There is a writing exercise where you just try to churn out as many words as possible in a set period of time.

Yeah, although I admit I've been more quantity than quality, that's not really something I'm good at.  I type too slow, and my mind processes are fragmented at best, especially in the early morning.

I have some ideas churning, but I have to muse on them more.

There's always stuff I want to say about COVID.  We may be finally turning a corner, but we're not out of the maze yet.  Conditions have improved, but now is no time to take our foot off the pedal.  Aww, who am I kidding?  People in my area have barely had their foot on the pedal to begin with. This has been a genuinely scary place to live.

I've had my first shot (Moderna) but won't get my second shot until March 15th. Alison has not had the first shot.  She works at a school system, so hopefully, it won't be much longer.


There's always stuff I want to say about politics.  I would rather begin concentrating on the issues, particularly health care, climate change, and economic equity concerns.  Unfortunately, Trump still looms over us all, and if not him directly, certainly his tragic and villainous efforts to divide us all.


I'm churning an idea in my head about film directors (movie and TV) and why so many of them turn out to be such rotten human beings.  Is there something innate about the job that brings out the worst in people, or does the job just attract the worst people?  


My strongest current effort on FaceBook is the group Polls R Us.  Some polls are political, but most are just for fun.  Right now, I've started a series of polls designed to select the greatest TV comedy of all time.  If you're not a part of it and would like to be, let me know, and I'll send you an invite.


I would like to write more, but I've already smashed through my self-allotted time.

Stay tuned!

T. M. Strait

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