Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Welcome to my Eleventy Minute Window


Once again, I will try to write within the eleventy-minute window that I have tried to pry open in the morning.  Hopefully, this time will expand later.  If nothing else, it gets me back into the habit of writing each day.

Today, I'll try to answer some questions I found on Twitter.

What is a movie you dislike that everyone else loves?

That's easy. The Notebook.  The ending that everybody loved and thought was so romantic, the couple dying within seconds of each other, made me quite angry - I saw no charm or romance in it.  I also felt no chemistry between the young leads nor any interest in their situation.  

What story have you chosen not to tell?

How can I tell you if I've chosen not to tell it?

Do you have a favorite tree?

Even though we had to chop ours down because it was sick and threatening our house, I do like Oak trees.

Do you eat leftovers from previous dinners?

Yes!  We cook three dinners per week.  We have three new dinners each week, leftovers three times, and takeout one time per week. 

Do you support the minimum wage increase?

Oh, Yaz!  I think it would be a major boost to the economy, and areas that have increased minimum wage prosper more once they do.  I could say more but...eleventy minutes!

Which are now up.

Stay safe!

T. M. Strait

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