Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tuesday Twitter Questions 2! Maybe 3. I'll Have to check.

 Time for another thematically unsound Tuesday Twitter Questions!

If you left Twitter completely, do you think anyone would miss you?

I don't think anyone would miss me because no one really knows I'm there in the first place.  Over 80% of my posts get no reaction at all,  virtually all the rest one, and like a handful with two likes. I have seen people complain that no one is responding to their posts, and they have hundreds of likes and dozens of comments.  Not me.  I am truly the ghost of Twitter.

Do you use a working title or wait until you've finished your book?

Oh, no.  For better or worse, I know my title before I even begin.  For most of my books, I've been happy with that.  I probably should have called Crowley Stories: Swamp's Edge something else.  Swamp's Edge.  Stories from the Swamp's Edge. I'm still thinking about it.

What makes a man instantly unattractive?

MAGA hat.

Do any women get offended when they are called dude?

Maybe a few.  Most just abide.

Self-published authors, do you include a formal copyrights page?

Page?  I have a copyright statement that I copied from other works.  Hopefully, it's okay to copy a copyright, and that's not copyrighted.

Do you write when you're depressed or upset?

Sometimes, sure.  That's also when I crack out the fake poetry.  Or a Trumpocalypse rant.  Or rail against covidiots.

What's your favorite Easter candy, and why is it Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs?

Chocolate.  Peanut butter.  Mixed together. Next question?

What is the one movie everyone has seen except you?

That's a tough question because my answer may hit different generations differently.  Top Gun?  The Bodyguard?  God's Not Dead? Birth of a Nation?

Maybe the most recent answer would be that I have seen none of the Disney animated films' live-action remakes.

Would you eat biscuits and gravy from a gas station?

Sure. Then my car wouldn't be alone in getting gas.


Eleventy minutes are up again!

Stay Safe!*

T. M. Strait

*don't you hate it when amateur writers overuse the exclamation mark!  I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... I am not on twitter. and I LOVE Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs! Crowley Stories: Swamp's Edge. I like that title. Disney remakes, I agree! Don't mess with the originals. Animated is the best! MAGA! Best sign to run away from. Like the use of your 11 minutes. Keep writing!
