Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Terrifically Tardy Tuesday Tidbits

I have been laid low today.

Missing a rare work day due to not feeling well.  It has taken me awhile to face the computer today, but I am finally recovered enough to do it.  I normally write my blog stories at around 6 in the morning, and I am writing this one at 4 in the afternoon.

Nothing major.  Fever that is now over, nausea that has eased, dizziness that has diminished, and foot pain that I thought I was over.  I expect to be back to my regular schedule tomorrow.


I did get to re-read The Dixie Swim Club, the play that I will be directing at WACT.  It is a very funny play, with characters you can care about.   The key to success is to have well-attended rehearsals where the comedy is timed to the tee, and the actresses get to build up the rapport with each other that convinces the audience that these are close, lifelong friends.


I still have no pictures of our new foster dog, Sally.  Hopefully, that will be rectified soon.  She is sweet, recovering from heart-worm treatments, and deserves to be seen.


Impeachment.  Seriously?  Can anyone tell me what the hell they are thinking?  Of all the Presidents in my lifetime, I cannot think of a President LESS impeachable than President Obama.  Just remember, if the Republicans win the Senate, this is the kind of madness/crap we'll hear for the next few years.  Meanwhile, any problem we need to solve will be completely ignored.


I am horrified by what is happening in Gaza.  I don't have any great insights, other than I hope John Kerry and others keep the pressure up for negotiation.  There has to be a better solution to their problems than this madness.


To all my young friends who are gearing up to start a new year of school and/or college, I wish you the best! Learning is fun, and participation in extra curriculars can really make school special.  We are looking into the possibility of Benjamin starting Chorus.  He has developed a deep, rich bass voice, and I think he would have a lot of fun doing it.


I had been cleaning my study, trying to get my writing refocused, when I ran across a couple of old yearbooks from my high school.  That was a great trip back in time.  Gives me some great new ideas for characters in History of the Trap.


I have two important gentlemen in my life going through some serious hip and back problems.  Dr. Ray Eleazar, whom I know from church, and has always been kind and appreciative to me  is one of them, and is undergoing a painful recovery at the local hospital.  Jack McDevitt, the best-selling science fiction, and with whom I shared so much time with at a recent Writer's Conference, has undergone hip surgery, and is now at home for a long recovery.  Prayers and thoughts for both of them would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes to everybody,

T. M. Strait

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