Saturday, August 9, 2014

The $%#@@# President is on Vacation Again Saturday Political Soap Box 90

Chill out.

I'm sick of the memes that the President spends too much time on vacation.

And I really don't care who the President is.  I don't care if they are like Reagan and Bush, Jr. who worked very little even when they are "on the job" or a workaholic like Carter.

Why?  Because a President is never truly off duty.

They take a huge cadre of Secret Service, advisers, military people and briefings wherever they go.

Reagan and the Bushes took off many more days than Obama.  But they had second homes and ranches and compounds and all sorts of wealthy accouterments, so it was often like doing their job from a second home.  Presidents like Carter, Clinton and Obama did not have fancy resort-like homes to retreat to so consequently their "vacation" days were/are fewer.

The true measure of a President is response time in a crisis, wherever that may be.

Do they take days to respond to a storm like Katrina?

Do they respond right away to a plane being shot down, or do they wait days like Reagan did?

Do they take years to respond to AIDS, after tens of thousands are dead, or do they take measures right away, as President Obama has done on several occasions?

Do they have a Congress that is willing to work and compromise with them, or do they have that takes dramatically longer vacations than you would EVER dream, and when in session, are determined to do whatever it takes to destroy you, regardless of the cost to the American people?

The President is our servant, but he's not our prisoner.  The job is hard enough, ages one quickly enough, that we need to snipe at them for their days out of the Oval Office.

No matter where they are, they are President 24/7.


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