Sunday, February 15, 2015

What is your Church Accomplishing?

If your church accepts gay people, in a friendly and open way, but considers their behavior a sin that needs to be changed or suppressed, what are you really accomplishing?

If your church  is completely open to gay people, and accepts then as they are, but does nothing to improve the civic law that discriminates against them so, what have you accomplished?  You have created a sanctuary, a welcoming home, but you haven't changed that a loving couple may not be able to carry each other on their health insurance, or get the paid leave they need to take care of each other in times of medical crisis.

If your church accepts the poor, and maybe assists the poor, but at the same time considers them lazy and solely responsible for their condition, and imposes many conditions and strings to your charity, what have you really accomplished?

If your church readily assists the disadvantaged and poor, without precondition or judgement,  without the main goal of conversion but of simple Christian charity, but then deny that government policy and social/economic structure has anything to do with creating poverty, the shrinking of the middle class, or the concentration of more and more income in the hands of a very few, have you really accomplished everything that you can do?

If your church has a fund raiser so that a church member can afford a surgery that would otherwise bankrupt them, but then breathes fire and brimstone about socialized medicine and extending the right to health care to everyone, what have you really accomplished?

Good churches reach out in love to even those it considers sinners.

Great churches reach out in love to both sinners, and to those that others consider sinners but are not, because their only sin is love, and that is not a sin at all.

And the best churches reach out beyond their church and community, and strive for those reforms that will bring social justice for all.

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