Wednesday, June 17, 2015

To Tabletop Infinity...and Beyond!

Just when you thought that video games and tablets and smart phones had taken over the gaming's back!  The wonderful joy of playing board games around a table, interacting and having fun with real people, enjoying a wide variety of games, is undergoing a resurgence, and Waycross is leading the way!  Michael Baker (like me, an area accountant) and some of his gamer friends have started the Waycross Gaming Community.

One of the main features of this group is Thursday Game Night at the Waycross Mall from 6 to 9.  A small but growing group of tabletop game lovers meet there to play a game cornucopia - strategy, war, Euro (involving more interactive cooperation, simple rules, short playing time), card games (Yu-gi-oh), traditional (like Clue), and more.  

Here about eight players are gathered around a game called Star Wars:Armada.  Each have their own space vehicle, half on the rebel team and half on alliance.  The plan is to anticipate your future moves ahead of time, and engage your opponent from a position of strength and/or future advantage.  The game involves strategy, skill, fun, and most importantly, live interaction with your fellow players.

This is the start of a layout for a game called Carcassone.  It is a Euro type game, and involves adding tile sections that can help you earn points by building cities, roads and other structures.

This is me, the red shirt and tie guy (the curse of working until 6 and not having time to change), trying my hand at Carcassone, a game where I accidentally stumbled to victory.  And, of course, has me re-hooked on table top games again.  Standing is Crystal Simpson, a member also of the Okefenokee Writer's Guild.  I found out about the Waycross Gaming Community from Crystal and our Writer's Guild Chairman, Elizabeth Welch.

As much fun as this may be for me, the real joy is seeing how Benjamin is taking to it.  Here he is giving the big thumbs up to Thursday Gaming Night, and ready to plunge into the world of Star Wars: Armada.

It is wonderful to see my gamer son interact with fellow gamers, and get out and enjoy his hobby without being just cloistered at home in a darkened room.

Kudos to Michael Baker and all the gamers in bringing the revival of this great hobby to the Waycross area.  If this sounds intriguing to you, check out the Waycross Gaming Community group on Facebook.  And if you are so inclined, come out and see what's it like to game with people again!

There's a table waiting for you!

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