Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wednesday Wanderings : Penultimate Full Time Style

It's now the trend in TV series.  Only two more episodes left!  ...  Before the penultimate episode, followed by the very last episode!

Why don't they just say there are four episodes left?

So, anyways.....

This is my penultimate full-time day!  Only one more full time day after this, and my retirement from full time accounting begins!

Okay, so...two more days to go!


What happens next?  I will stay in accounting, but for an average of about fifteen hours a week.  Over time, I hope to find some other ways to make the little bit of money that I need (or am allowed).  Social Security and other retirement income leave just a few hundred a month I need to sustain our current level of living.  With accounting, I at least don't have to put on my greeter uniform at Wal-Mart.  At least not yet.


It's hard not to talk about politics when that is consuming everything right now.

First, I consider the Boy Scout Jamboree speech Trump made yet another low in a public figure who seemed to already have gone as low as he can go.  He was political and vulgar, turning into something akin to a Hitler Youth Rally.  I don't blame the Boy Scout organization.  They were following tradition, and were expecting (naively, perhaps), for the speech to be non-partisan.  I blame the millions of people who knew Trump was unfit for office and voted for him anyways.  That group is what brought this on to us, and has brought American Democratic tradition to the verge of total collapse.


No one can doubt that John McCain is a genuine American hero.  He served his country under the most extreme conditions, a tortured prisoner of war, and I don't doubt that he is a patriot, dedicated to this country.  That said, I rarely agree with him politically.  He is super hawkish, and almost always sides with the far right when push comes to shove.  It was painful to watch him, with the terrible disease and prognosis he has, but receiving the very best care available (because he is insured, and very wealthy), to dramatically return to Washington, only  to vote to begin a process that will take health insurance away from millions.


I don't know the final shape of the Republican Health Care bill.  But I'm not alone.  They don't either.
But whatever the ultimate outcome, I know these things will be true -

Tens of millions will lose health insurance.

Hundreds of thousands will go medically bankrupt.

Tens of thousands will die from lack of access and proper care.

I have to ask my conservative friends this question -

Is your blind hatred of Obama and Hillary worth so much pain and suffering?

There will be a reckoning.

The Progressive Majority is coming.  The right's extremism is making it more likely every day.


Back to the apolitical.

I am ready to swing into my penultimate full time day!


I see by the clock that I need to start into the penultimic swing!

Just think how long these will be when I don't have to jump into going to work!

Until my first post-retirement Wednesday Wandering!


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