Saturday, June 29, 2019

Debates Begin! Taking the Torch: Saturday Political Soap Box 212

I'm back from my Canadian vacation!  Ready to resume my blog!

First up - Saturday Political Soap Box!  It is a Saturday, after all.

Full disclosure - I did not get to see all of the first debate.  We were watching a play in Stratford, Ontario that evening.  It was Mother's Daughters, and it was about the reign of the first Queen of England, Mary.  It focused on her and her sister, Elizabeth, with Elizabeth becoming one of the most successful and longest reigning monarchs of England.

They had their flaws, but it was about the power of women ascendant.  Capable, intelligent women - coming forward to lead and improve their nation.

So, who won the debates?  And yes, I did catch enough of the first debate, both live and in highlights, to have a sense of who won.

First night - Elizabeth Warren

Second night - Kamala Harris

Elizabeth Warren won with clearly articulated visions and policies,  She did not focus on attacking Trump or her fellow Democrats.  She focused on helping the American people and strengthening the hard-working citizens who are struggling every day to provide the basics and to improve life for themselves and their children.

Kamala Harris won with prosecutorial bravado and rhetoric that clearly demonstrated she was the most decisive and Presidential leader on the stage.  Her "I paid for this microphone" moment came when she ended the cacophonous squabbling that the debate was descending into by commanding attention with "Americans don't want to watch a food fight.  They want to know how we're going to put food on their table."

She also rhetorically eviscerated Joe Biden with her points around his working with segregationists and opposition to bussing.  Whatever you think of her individual points, the debate style was incredible and left Biden sputtering and gasping for air.

Maybe we will start to see what I've felt it should be all along - a decision as to which woman should be the next President of the United States.  I like both Biden and Bernie, but the days when two aging white men in their mid-to-late 70s are the lead candidates may be coming to an end.

Rep. Eric Swalwell brought up that the torch needed to be passed, that a younger generation needed to be the ones leading to solutions to our problems.  He quoted Biden who advocated passing the torch some twenty years ago.  Of course, Biden said he wanted to keep the torch.

I got news, fellas.

There are some very talented women in this country who aren't going to wait for Biden or any other political figure to pass the torch to them.

They're just going to take it.

As well they should.

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