Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Children of the Cornhole

From out of nowhere, Cornhole has become popular again (again?  When was it popular before?  I don't know, but stop interrupting the flow of the story!   Jeesh!  People are going to forget where we were!). 

Now, where was I?  Oh, yes.  Cornhole. I missed when this had emerged, but now it's everywhere. 

The above picture is of Benjamin and Doug playing a game at the wedding rehearsal, held in the backyard of my Doug's new in-laws.  They're tossing to another cornhole board.  Doug is a little better than Benjamin, but both can miss the whole board fairly regularly. 

They even brought the boards to the wedding reception.  They were never set up, but they were there if anyone wanted to play.

The wedding reception was at a brewery that had multiple bars, and outside one of the bars they had set up - Cornhole!

For those unfamiliar, you throw the bags at another board and try to get them in the hole.  Points can be earned based on bag location, but I honestly don't know how all that works.  Most of the people we've seen playing didn't seem to know or care about the finery of the rules either.

I thought this might be an Atlanta thing, and would take months or years to filter down to our home area. 

Wrong!  We went to Alison's father's house last weekend, and what did he have in the backyard?  CORNHOLE!

Why is it called Cornhole?  I don't know.  The biggest thing in my consciousness about that word is from the cartoon Beavis & Butthead.

Ah, yes.  The glorious Cornholio!

Ok, the name may be from the fact that you want to get the bag through the hole in the board, and the bags were traditionally stuffed with corn.

I tried throwing the bags but quickly stopped, for the sake of pets, small children, and windows.

Has this just been a series of coincidences, or is this game rising in popularity?

If you know anything, please be sure to comment or communicate your knowledge in some socially acceptable way.

Meanwhile, if you see me play.....

Get as far away as you can!!!

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