Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Have You Read The Mueller Report?

Have you read The Mueller Report?

If you are still running around, thinking nothing has been proved about this President's impeachment worthiness than I suggest you do what Republican Congressman Justin Amash has done and...

Read the report!

Have I, T. M. Strait, read the report?

I am in the process of reading it.  I am well into volume one, explaining the extent of Russian interference and the role of the Trump campaign in it.

I am about two thirds in, far enough to know that Russian interference was massive and pervasive and that it was all in for Trump.  It provided illegally obtained emails and other hacked information to the Trump campaign, either directly or through intermediaries.  It affected social media feeds, through a large number of fake accounts, and bots spreading malicious rumors.  They successfully exploited the divisions between Americans, sponsored Trump rallies, and set campaigns against each other.

I have conservative friends to this day who believe that Hilary Clinton had significant health crises and severe brain damage, based on doctored videos spread by the Russians.  I have fellow Bernie supporters egged on by fake Russian accounts to demonize Hillary and reduce their ability to combine resources and consolidate (which Bernie supporters did anyways, coming together to support Clinton in numbers greater than Clinton supporters pulled behind Obama in 2008).

The Trump gleefully accepted data and dirt from foreign sources.  They changed the Republican platform to favor the Russians over the Ukrainians. They held a crucial meeting with Russian agents in June of 2016.**

Was there collusion?

The Mueller report does not address this.  Collusion is not a legal term.

What is stated was that a clear case for CONSPIRACY could not be made, based on the limited evidence they were able to gather.

Why couldn't they gather more evidence?

Because they were obstructed and stonewalled!!!*

Any doubt that Trump would defy law and convention, and use the information provided to him by a foreign government?

Please see his recent interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, where he without a shadow of a doubt indicates that HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN.

He is without shame, remorse, or understanding.  He's learned nothing.

It's not just past crimes.  If he's left in place, he will continue to commit crimes, spitting on this country and everything it's supposed to stand for.

And this is just from Part One, the part is considered to be the least prosecutorial towards him.

We haven't got to -

Other Emoulent Clause Violations

Campaign Finance Law Violations

Defiance of Congress and Misappropriation of  Funds

Massive Corruption Among Cabinet Officials and White House Staff

and the big Kahuna....


I will continue to report as I get further in the book.  I am sure that my conservative friends will be enticed enough to read along with me.***  God forbid they should continue to only get information from FAUX News and misleading memes they swap to each other, filled with lies and WHATABOUTISMS stretched beyond any rational interpretation.

I don't want to have to impeach this President.  Better to humiliate him at the polls.  But...the rule of law has to mean something.  If we don't do anything, these crimes will continue unabated, not just in future administrations, but in this administration as well.

It's no longer an academic exercise.  It's a fight to save and restore our system of government.

And we're running out of time.

*please see The Mueller Report Volume 2

**this didn't fit in with the flow of the story, so I'm saying it here.  One of the reasons Mueller didn't prosecute more in this area, particularly the Trump tower meeting, is that he had to prove that what Don, Jr, and others had to know what they were doing was wrong, and have the willful intent to do it anyways.  You know what that means?  The President's son and others may have been saved from prosecution because the Mueller team though it was likely that they were too STUPID to know what they were doing.  Doesn't that just warm your heart?

***are pigs flying?  are monkeys coming out of my butt?

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