Monday, June 3, 2019

Smack! It's June Monday Musings


It's June already!  How the heck did that happen?

Doug is married!  Benjamin is graduated!  We spent time with our California boy, Greg!

And that was MAY!

June starts off with a wallop, with the Writer's Guild booth at the June 1st Way Green!  A great success, with tremendous help from Juniper Verrill and Joshua King!  Mt standards for personal selling success might not be high, but I easily had one of my best book-selling days ever!

It's time to grow the Writer's Guild back.  I urge all interested writers and those who like to read and/or be around the creative process to come join us at our monthly meetings, every second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.


My goals for the month:

-  to go to work (accounting)  as little as possible.  I'm supposed to be semi-retired, and it would be nice to have a 'skip' month.  Part of it is to take a break, but part of it is to preserve my available hours for later seasons where I might be needed more.  I have a limited amount of earnings I can make, or start losing some of my Social Security, so I need to schedule my time wisely.  Besides, you never know when the Great American novel is going to kick in.

- to get on the right track with weight control, through exercise and diet.  I want to improve my blood pressure and kneecap any creeping incrementalism towards diabetes.  And I would like to deflate the basketball that seems to now inhabit itself under the front of my shirt.

- to finish the first draft of The Extra Credit Club, start the next round of edits, and perhaps get it in the hands of some beta readers.

Ok, that's it. Don't want to over goal myself.  Then I just wind up disappointed.


We also have a trip to Benjamin's college coming up, for his June Orientation.  Looking forward to that, and we may get a chance to meet his future roommate and his parents.


Later in the month, we have our family trip, the last major trip before Benjamin starts college.  We are going to a foreign country again.  Well, not too foreign.  We're going to Ontario!  Niagra Falls, Toronto, Stratford, and other Canadian destinations!


Now, seriously, did you really think you'd get out of a musing without me bringing up politics?  I bought the Mueller Report.  I'm going to read it and see for myself just how damning it is.  When someone online says something absolutely stupid about the report, like "No collusion!  No obstruction!" or "Deep State BS!" I want to be able to ask, "Did you read the report?"

So, what do you think?  Will facts work, or am I wasting my time?

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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