Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ripping Good Yarns: Saturn Awards Television Part 1

A review of the perfect awards for Rippers (Ripping Good Yarn followers), the Saturn Awards to be presented this June for best achievement in different genre categories. I have covered the movie awards in previous posts and will now continue with the TV awards.

Hopefully, some of these you have seen and we can have lively discussions about which we like best.

First Up! -

Best network television series
The Following
Once Upon a Time

Close followers of Ripping Good Yarns will know that I am a Fringe fanatic. So they will not be surprised to find out that is my favorite in this category.  It had it's final season, and few shows have wrapped themselves up with such grace and clarity   If you did not catch this show when on originally, it is an excellent show to watch streaming or on DVD.  
I've only seen one episode of Elementary, and thought it was good, but not quite good enough to fit into our TV schedule.
The Following has been a great show, intense and a tiny bit unpredictable.  The primary villain was an evil mastermind, but it was almost as good to see him slowly unravel as it was to see him in total control.
Once Upon A Time has been a guilty pleasure that I have surprisingly enjoyed more than Alison.  She thinks it's a little too predictable and no one character has caught her imagination or favor.  I like the story, and am a little more interested in their characters, particularly Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin.
Revolution has been pretty good, but I am reserving judgement on it as to whether it is a good series or a great series.  It's got me interested enough to keep watching, but not enough to call it a favorite.
I haven't seen Supernatural since the first season, so I really can't say much about it.

Best syndicated cable television series
American Horror Story: Asylum
The Killing
True Blood
The Walking Dead

American Horror Story: Asylum was a pretty wild ride, entertaining and creepy.  A moment in the last episode caught me by surprise, and had me crying as much as I have in years.  I would rate this very highly, but not the winner in this category.
Dexter is good, but I can't comment too much, as I see it a season or two behind via DVD rentals.  So I am not current with this show.
I have only seen part of one episode of Leverage.  Did not seem like my cup of tea, but perhaps I did not give it enough of a chance.
The Killing I recently watched via Netflix streaming.  This was a great show, paced somewhat slow in places, but extremely moody with a very interesting and carefully built story.  26 episodes covering the investigation of one murder.  Wow!
True Blood is a great show, with occasional glimpses of the tough, no nonsense vampires I prefer.  Alison has been catching up with this show via HBO Go, and we will both be looking forward to it's new season start up in June.
But the reigning champ in this category has to be The Walking Dead.  No series on television combines character and story as well as this one does.  It is the biggest "event" series that Alison and I have.  We record almost everything we watch, but we wait the least amount of time to see The Walking Dead.

So there you have the first two television categories.  Anybody else wonder where the heck A Game of Thrones is?  Well, be patient!  More categories to come next week!


  1. I can only vote in the first category since I have never seen any of the shows in the second. I am torn between Once Upon A Time and Revolution. Can I have a tie vote???

  2. Best network television series: THE FOLLOWING
    I am so caught up in this show. I love the twists and turns, the "shocking" moments and loved the season finale. I find myself jumping and talking to the tv during this show! haha
    I have never watched Elementary or Supernatural. I somehow got off track with Fringe and missed maybe the last two seasons. I'll have to catch back up one day. My interest has definitely waned with Once Upon a Time and Revolution. I have quit watching both. I actually have just a few select shows I watch and then I TURN THE TELEVISION OFF. I have cut way back on my watching time.

    Best cable television series: THE WALKING DEAD
    This is another show that I cannot get enough of. It pains me that I have to wait until October for the next season! :(
    I have never watched Dexter, The Killing or True Blood.
    I started watching American Horror Story this season but it was up against something else that won out and I just lost interest.
    I watched Leverage in its first two or three series then it just became the same thing. I like Timothy Hutton so that is what drew me to watch. This show did start off pretty good.

  3. Thank you both for your well-stated opinons. Yes, Rhonda, you can split your vote! The Following is pretty good - I want to see where it will go next year - it could develop into my Fringe replacement!

  4. Best network television series:

    I am definitely with you on this one. Fringe has become one of my all-time favorite shows. Few shows insight me to buy the physical dvds like X-Files, Alias, Firefly. This will be one of my collections that I will enjoy for years.

    I too enjoyed The Following. I waited in anticipation for this one to hit the small screen. I have never found myself drawn to a serial killer like I was to Joe (and I am fascinated by reading books, watching shows and interviews featuring serial killers...go aheah and call me a freak). Fabulously well-acted with surprising action at every turn.

    I'm just now discovering Once Upon A Time and Supernatural on Netflix streaming. I also plan to wait and see if Revolution can knock out all the kinks and remain for another season before I stream it.

    Best syndicated cable television series:

    I'm with you on this one too. The Walking Dead reigns supreme. Shame on them for making us wait until October for the new season. I'm only hoping that my #2 keeps me occupied until then...

    The Killing. Awesome. I learned of this show as the 2nd season was about to begin. I immediately devoured the 1st season and was hooked. I was heartbroken to learn that it was cancelled...and then revived. I am waiting with bated breath for the new case to begin on June 2nd!!!

    American Horror Story: Asylum, I felt, wavered in it's 2nd season in writing, but the performances were just as captivating and kept me coming back for more. I anticipate season 3's "Coven" storyline to captivate.

    Dexter is another that I love. I hate that the upcoming season will be it's last but feel they are correct in ending before they have to beat the dead horse like some other shows do. My awesomely cool mother subscribes to Showtime only for this show, so I get recordings of them the day after they air.

    True Blood. Yeah, I buy them all but have not caught up on the last season. It seems to be slowing down a bit, so I'll either wait for Amazon to run it's super great Christmas deals and get it then or stream it.

    This post makes me come to a conclusion. I watch TOO much tv. :)

  5. While you are waiting on The Walking Dead to return in October, I just read a great book called The Rise of the Governor. It is well written and gives great insight as to how this character became what he is. I have just given it to Alison to read.

  6. Awesome. Thanks for the rec. Is it a stand-alone or do I need to dive into the comics 1st?

  7. No, reading the comics would not be necessary. I've not read any comics that have had the Governor in them. It does help to have seen the TV show, only because it helps you see where they're going.
