Saturday, May 18, 2013

Scandalicious Saturday Political Soap Box 64

It seems to be the inevitable rhythm of modern American politics.

The second term of our American  Presidencies get mired in scandal and inertia.

Nixon had Watergate, Reagan Iran-Contra, Clinton Monica-gate, Bushy Jr. started early and most insidiously by lying us into a war.

So now it's Obama's turn to live up to America's glorious political past.

And what do we have so far?

The IRS targeted conservative groups for investigation of 501(c)4 status? Well, that's wrong.  Of course, the 501(c)4 status is being abused by groups of all kinds.  Claiming to be organized to benefit and promote and social welfare, and instead pursuing a completely political agenda, including running vicious attack ads aimed directly at individuals.  The IRS should be investigating EVERY organization filing for this status.  Of course, that would take a lot of money and resources.  And it's awful that the IRS disproportionally turned down the status to Conservative groups. Wait a minute!  They actually didn't turn anybody down.  And they actually gave the same set of inquiries and questions to progressive groups applying.  Somebody just shot their mouth off because they noticed that a large number of the groups looking to take advantage of this status were right wing.  And President Obama seems more pissed off about it than you or I are.  He has no connection to it and heads in the IRS are rolling.  Ne connection, no defense of the behavior, no cover up.

Benghazi looms like a shadowy promised land for Republicans.  The same party that 9/11 happened to, and lied us into war, and had countless terror incidents happen on their watch (Reagan/Bush/Bush) is excited that something happened under Obama's watch.  Wow.  The world's largest actor on the international stage sometimes has things go SNAFU.  Should we investigate and fix what wrong?  Sure!  Let's see what we can do!  Why don't we start by restoring the many millions that the Republican Congress cut from embassy security?  This whole thing is now more of an attempt to smear Hilary Clinton than it is anything else.  Good luck with that.

The over monitoring of AP phone calls and such stinks, but it was mostly done in an over-zealous attempt to trace leaks that had done damage to our intelligence community.  The Republicans can't say much because they would have done this times ten.  The safety of the United States versus certain privacy issues of the news organization that participated in the leak of classified information?  Yeah, I can just see hordes of Republicans lining up to support the news organization.

So it's an interesting diversion, RepubliCorp.  Thanks for playing.  But when you get a chance, maybe you want to think of a few ways to help us with unemployment, immigration, sensible gun legislation, climate change, a crumbling infrastructure and a myriad of other pressing real problems.

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