Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wanted: Responsible Pet Owners!

This is a wonderfully cute puppy being fostered by my friend, Robert Stewart.  Robert is a board member of the Okefenokee Humane Society. an animal shelter in Waycross, Georgia.  They receive a deluge of dogs and cats, and are looking for people who can take good care of them.  They are located at 1501 Blackwell Street and would love to have you visit.

They have recently received a large number of cats, both adult and kitten.

This is Joy, recently adopted by my friend, Julianna Lacefield.  Her and her two boys, John and Hemingway love the new addition to their family.  We have two rescue dogs of our own, and know the great "Joy" they can being into your life!

My son Benjamin holds in his hands Sargent Johnson.  Benjamin has been volunteering this summer to help at the Okefenokee Humane Society, and I want to profusely thank Robert Stewart for mentoring him in this.

I will try to write in the near future more about responsible pet ownership, and the tragic results of ownership that is NOT responsible.  It will not be a blog post done in a friendly tone.  If we cannot properly take care of these creatures that entrust themselves to us, what does that say about us as a society?

Meanwhile, please visit Okefenokee Humane Society, or a shelter in your area as soon as you can.  Adopt if you can, and if not, please your lend your support.

1 comment:

  1. how nice that Benjamin is volunteering. It's so great that he can help out the critters. Very nice!
