Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Dance and Other Monday Musings

Sara Rollison and Benjamin dance at the Southeast Georgia Cancer Walk  Friday night.  Sara is the head of the local chapter of Cotillion, and a member of our church.

Another weekend in the books, and Monday morning is already here.

The highlight was early on, as we participated with our church in the Southeast Georgia Cancer Walk. Grace Episcopal had a tent where we sold glow in the dark novelties.  These sales picked up tremendously as it got darker.  Particularly popular were the glow in the dark glasses that you see Benjamin wearing in the above picture.  Our Senior Warden, Donald Holland, proved to be an effective sales person (or, in the more common vernacular - huckster), and he also competed in the Duck Dynasty contest.  He did not win as his beard was not quite long enough.  Had I known there was to be a contest I would have competed as their banker, Mr. Drysdale.

The Grand Prize, given away by raffle, was a 50 inch TV that was won by our very own Reverend Kit, and will be used by our church.  We may not be a mega-church but we will now have a mega-TV!

I've done a pretty good job of keeping up my walking, in addition to the Cancer Walk.  We have a very nice neighborhood to walk in.  Ironically we have seen much more wildlife here than we did when we lived more in the country.  We have seen bats, rabbits, owls, armadillos, snakes, squirrels and of course, dogs and cats.  At our old house in the boonies, we only saw wild dogs and heard gunshots.  I did see a hornet once big enough to be a passenger plane.

On the entertainment front, Game of Thrones had a pivotal episode that "went there".  Important plot points from the book were preserved and shown in this episode.  Those who are fans of the series but have not read the books are probably shocked to the bone.  Oh, well!  Had to happen.

I completed my comic book reorganization project.  Things now look neater, but I still have a lot of work to do in selling and donating.  At least they look a better for our coming house party.

Benjamin had what he called "egg burps" this weekend.  I'm afraid the poor boy may have inherited some of my heartburn problems.  I normally don't get it unless I indulge in specific foods, like eggs, walnuts, excessive amounts of fried foods or gravy.  When I was a kid I called it "greased throat".

On to the work week!  At least it will be somewhat shortened as in a few days we will be going to Michigan to see my father, who will turn 91 on June 29th.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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