Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tax Day Tuesday Tidbits

Woke up at 4:21 AM.  Couldn't get back to sleep.  Like it's frigging Christmas morning or something.  Expectations that build up over three and a half months tend to not be able to live up to the hype.


Ate at the new Blackshear restaurant, Locos Burrito on Saturday.  The food was good....the chicken in the burritos we had was very tender and delicioso.  It passed the ketchup test with flying colors, getting a whole bottle and not just a few packets, or scornful looks that Mexican food and ketchup do not go together, There were two other tables with ketchup bottles, so I wasn't the only one...so there!  

They did fail the Paul Tang test.  Paul Tang is the owner of Wong's Chinese Restaurant in Waycross, who will custom make any order as to how you want it.  I asked for a minor variation from their menu, a logical extension of what they were doing, and they couldn't do it.  They're new and maybe that will change in time.


My lent restriction on a more limited use of social media has been very hard.  Some may feel that it is a condemnation of social media, or a way to improve my life or character, but it is not.  It was giving up something that was important to me, to help me become more contemplative and reflective.  It was interesting to see who remains in contact, and who faded out during this time.  I won't fully know what it means until after Lent.


One of things I haven't been doing is reposting stuff on social media that related to politics and social issues.  Hold on to your hats, because that is just temporary.  It has been hard to remain silent while the Affordable Care Act has proven to be even more successful than even I expected, and to listen to it continue to be battered and vilified around here, often by the very people that it is helping.  


Whatever else you think of the "Bureau of Land Management/Cattle Rancher gets to trample federal lands use abuse and break it without paying the fee that everyone else has to pay" case, it can't be a good precedent that bullies with guns can get the government to back down and not enforce the law.  I'm afraid of what they will try to challenge next.


We are beginning a week of beautiful services at Grace Episcopal, something every day through Easter Sunday.  Noon services today and tomorrow, Maundy Thursday at 7 with an Agape meal at 5:30, Good Friday at noon and 7, Easter Egg Hunt Saturday afternoon, Holy Saturday at 7, and Easter Sunday at 10 AM.  I invite anyone interested to come.  We are an open church, and welcoming of all, including progressive Christians.


I have not taken the time to think much beyond the season.  That stuff should come flooding in as the day progresses, and a new light begins to shine,  


I continue to pray for my friend Coleen and her family.  God give them strength, hope and love.

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