Monday, October 19, 2015

Found A Peanut - A Good Home! and other Monday Musings

We had a foster I did not tell you much about.  I was going to do a post at the right time, but his adoption to a good family came too fast!

He first came to us months ago, shivering and scared.  Caught in an Animal Control trap, the Humane Society was told he might be dangerous.  They were wrong,  Peanut has never shown any aggression. His fear soon melted away, and he fell into our pack quite easily, becoming an open, playful, loving lap dog.

We enjoyed Peanut so much, we were in no rush to have him adopted.  As soon as he was fixed, however, I did not really get a chance to do a post, because there was interest from some good friends of ours, loyal and good pet lovers who had recently lost their long-time family dog, who took an interest, met Peanut and fell in love, and should have him as their own tonight.

The difficulty in fostering is not in the time and energy it takes, it is in the opening of the heart and then letting go.  I don't know how well built I am for this, but it is important thing to do, so I soldier on.  After over a half dozen fosters, though, if I am supposed to toughen up, it hasn't happened yet.


I have a couple of things that I reserve the right to develop into fuller themes as the week progresses.

I saw the Movie The Martian in the theatre over the weekend, the first movie I had done so since Fantastic Four.  I also saw Snowpiercer at home, recorded off of a free Showtime preview.  The two movies were a contrast in science fiction storytelling; The Martian being a brighter, more optimistic story of using science to solve problems - sort of a MacGyver in Space, and Snowpiercer  a darker, dystopian film demonstrating the failures of both science and human behavior.

Which one was better?  I'd rather not say (I may reserve that for its own post).  But I will say that recently, there have been way too many movies like Snowpiercer and far too few like The Martian.


I hate football.  Again, this I will post more fully later, but suffice to say for now, I had my heart ripped out of chest and stomped on.  By the end of the Michigan - MSU game, I was an emotionally devastated mess.  I don't ever recall being in so much agony over a sports result before.

Okay.  Just one thing.  How is it targeting when an offensive lineman pushes a defensive player down onto the quarterback, and then places a hand on the square of his back to hold him in place.  How in the world is that targeting on the DEFENSIVE PLAYER??????????????????????

As you can see, I am rational and calm about the subject matter.


I disappointed myself by spending no time on getting published.  What little free writing time I had, I spent on organizing the OHC Writing Contest.  So far, we seem to have received a similar number of entries in the Adult division as we did last year, which is very good.  Our student divisions are not where they were last year, particularly in student story.  Obviously, I have to do something different next year to increase student participation.  Even if it's just to ask the right people to help me.

Anyways, I hope to have more time this coming weekend to rekindle my publishing efforts, as I will have both Thursday and Friday off.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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