Monday, October 12, 2015

Fall? What is this thing called Fall?

Ah, yes!

Those beautiful days when the calender says it is Autumn, and leaves turn colors, and start to descend to the ground.  The weather turns cooler, and the wind and rain bring a refreshing chill to the air. Not too cold, but inviting enough to wear a jacket, and be outside without having to worry about flying, biting insects.

There is nothing better than going to the A & W Root Beer Stand, and getting a frosty mug of A & W Root Beer.  It never tastes better than it does in the Fall.

There is nothing better than a visit to an apple orchard, and drinking freshly milled apple cider.  Or a visit to a pumpkin patch.  Or getting up early on a Football game day, and participating in a tailgate, so early that you're wearing a jacket and warming by the different fires and grills that are set cooking hamburgers and kielbasas. 

There is nothing better than a bike ride in the cool, crisp autumn air.  The wonder and quiet and cleanness can take you to another world, like you're on a movie set, placed in a technicolor dream world.

Of course, none of this takes place in South Georgia.

Oh, eventually some leaves may turn.  There may be some days where the temperatures drop, maybe even into the low 70s in the day and the high 50s in the night.  But you're just as likely to have days in the mid to high 80s.  The gnats don't quit, and they bring their friends - wasps and hornets.  Spiders are everywhere - it's almost impossible to walk between tress or shrubs without getting a face full.

I mowed the yard Friday.  It was much warmer than I expected, even at 10 in the morning.  And the gnats?  Oh, yes!  The gnats were there.  They swarmed me as usual, and I looked like Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon.  

Eventually, a kind of mild Fall will come to South Georgia, at least for short periods or bursts.  They have a special name for it down here.  It's called Winter.


Winter is coming.

Maybe.  Disguised as a mild Michigan early Fall.

I miss the seasons.

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