Thursday, October 15, 2015

Spectacularly Short Thursday Thoughts

Ready to wander down the watery highways of random thought?

The Democratic Debate was super fantastic!  Policy driven and focused, it was a hundred times more informative and purposeful than the Trumpified Crazy Town Express that were the Republican debates.  The DNC should have agreed to more debates - I think it does the American voting public good to see a major party discussing important issues in a mature way.

Who won?  That depends on how you turn the kaleidoscope.  Hillary was certainly poised and competent. By the cold calculation of debating rules, by the structure of the usual media spin, Hillary was the champ.  By the online polls and focus groups, Bernie was the clear winner.  Even if he wasn't as polished, even if he wasn't saying things in exactly the way the pundits like to hear, he was still connecting with people by the consistency and power of his message.

Time will tell what impact it has.  I don't think it hurt either major candidate,  We'll see.


Benjamin had to drop out of a play that he had just been cast in.  It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make in theatre, and letting the director know was a terribly hard thing to do.  He did it early, before rehearsals began, and I wish it didn't have to happen, but it did.  I pray that this doesn't hurt him in future casting decisions.  It means the world to me to watch him grow in his theatrical talents.


Today is the final individual tax deadline (yes, some people extend all the way to October 15th), but I think I'm in good shape.  However, you never know what may come in at the last minute.  I will be glad when the weekend has begun,


Football pours back into our lives tonight, with the Falcons confronting the Saints.  It's been a surprisingly good season for them so far, and we hope that continues.  I am wearing my Falcons tie today at work.

The Lions on the other hand - don't get me started!  What a miserable year, especially after coming off such a promising season last year.  I am not one for mid-season coaching changes but...Offensive Coordinator Joe Lombardi has to go NOW.  Stop imposing a system on your players, and start fitting a system to your players.

In college football, the Michigan Wolverines appeared to have accomplished their three year plan in five weeks!  Go Blue!  The Bulldogs?  They may need to be starting a fresh three year plan next year.


Good luck to the Cubs!  This is the year Back to the Future had you winning the World Series!  Let's all get into our flying cars and go see it!


I have started the long, hard slog to getting my novels published in some fashion, in some way.  I've started literary agent queries, and will be sending out samples to publishers who accept them.  I accidentally made a request for literary agents online, that instead got diverted to self-publishing companies.  Now they won't stop calling me.  Self-publishing is at the end of a long train of other options, not my first choice.

It's hard, because I could have copies right now.  I could sell them at the Heritage Center and Waygreen and other places, or even online.  But it is more important to me to find out if I can make enough money at it to fill in the gap of what we need when I retire.  So I go the long route, foolish or not.


Benjamin has to read a poem in class today, and I am proud to say he picked one of mine!  And so things come full circle - as I  also read one of my poems in 9th grade, when I was supposed to have picked out a published poem from a real poet.  Oh, well!  We Straits!  What can you do?  He chose Pond Living is the Place to Be.


Uh-oh.  I have to go to work now.


T. M. Strait

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