Monday, November 9, 2015

Second Annual OHC Writer's Contest Intro

Our First place Story winner, Robert Stewart, reading his prize winning entry, Showdown.  It was a great story, about a challenge in his youth and how he faced it, and it was very well read.  

The link where Robert's story can be found is noted below:

Our celebrity judge, Christina Cody, gave a marvelous presentation about how she got started, answering questions and inspiring the many writers in attendance.  Christina Cody is a gifted writer of elementary and middle school fiction.  Please check out her website at

I used most of my writing time this morning just trying to download these two pictures.  My phone/camera thing got updated, and I lost on how all my photo connections worked.

There is more news about winners and some great stories and poems to come, so stay tuned to The Strait Line!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing, Tom. Thank you for your talent and all that you do to promote writing in our community.
