Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What? Another Tuesday Tidbits?

Let's swing it - fast and furious Tuesday Tidbit style!

Tidbit #1

I attended the first NaNoWriMo event last night - great event with many new writers (at least new to me). What a joy to see so many bubbling over with writing ideas!

Tidbit #2

Across the nation, thee are some 300,000 participants in NaNoWriMo (the writing contest that challenges you to write 50,000 or more words in a month - National Novel Writing Month), according to our group leader, Elizabeth Welch.

Tidbit #3

Given the almost complete collapse of bookstores, and receding American readership, I sometimes wonder if there are more people trying to write books than read them!

Tidbit #4

Case in point:  The best selling comic books in the country might barely break into six figures in sales.  The leading comics used to sell millions.  This in an era when super hero movies and television dominate!  There are many, many more people who have watched the Avengers movie than have ever picked up an Avengers comic book.

Tidbit #5

Elizabeth Welch did an excellent job chairing last night's NaNoWriMo meeting.  I don't know if I can achieve the task set out, but I think I'm going to enjoy trying much more than I initially thought I was.

Tidbit #6

I wonder if I'm making a mistake not concentrating on self-publishing instead of literary agents and regular publishers.  I get impatient when I see other people have their books in print.  And I wonder if  I'm good enough to really attract an agent and/or publisher.

Tidbit #7

Case in point:  There is going to be a book signing event on November 19th at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.  I have two completed novels, a half million words on my blog, a newspaper column in two papers - and I have NOTHING to present for people to buy or sign.  Well, except for my custom made Chap Book pamphlet of Strait Line stories that to date has sold ZERO copies.

Tidbit #8

Enough with the writing already!  How 'bout them Dawgs?

Tidbit #9

Okay, maybe back to writing again.

Tidbit #10

How 'bout that Paul Ryan?  Has there ever been a bigger five star hypocrite?  Refuses to take the speakership of the House until he gets more family leave, and then wants to legislate to deny it to the rest of us.  I'm trying to tell you people.  He ain't no Christian.  He is an Ayn Randian.

Tidbit #11

Saw the first Supergirl.  Not bad!  Lots of things in it that actually go back to the roots of the way Superman was presented in the Golden Age, mixed with a little bit of 90s chatter.  Love that she's part of the media, and that National City has an updated Daily Planet like setting, with Cat Grant serving as an edgier Perry White.  Love that she's enthusiastic and has such a strong sense of doing good.  Love that they're not afraid to show her in costume - a fear that permeated the show Smallville.  This  fan of the Superman family for over a half a century gives a thumbs up!

Tidbit #12

I like cookies.  I'm in the danger zone for losing/maintaining weight, that runs from Halloween through New Years.  I had gotten down to a low weight for me, and now I fear that the cookies just smell too damn good. Sigh.

Tidbit #13

How's my word count?

Tidbit #14

Oy.  50,000 is a lot of words!

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