Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Six Stage Daughters

Pictured from left to right: Taylor Mulkey, Emily Beck, Tom Strait, Brittany Peacock, Mallan Gill and Amara Grace Jeffords.

Yes, Yes, Yes.  I have been blessed in life with my three sons: Greg, Doug & Benjamin.  

But, alas, I have no daughters.

Well, theatre has helped make up for that!  In the last three plays I've been in, I've had SIX daughters!  - double my number of sons!

Taylor Mulkey plays Zaneeta in The Music Man, the slightly defiant one who is hip and up to date with 1912 culture.  She is a junior at Pierce County High School.

Emily Beck played Anne Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank.  She is the daughter of my good friend, Kimberly Beck, and I have watched her grow in the theatre since she was a wee one.  If you missed this great show, there may be more opportunities to see it in the near future.  Stay tuned!

Brittany Peacock played my daughter in Dearly Beloved.  She is a very gifted young actress, whose facial expressions and reactions are extraordinary.

Mallan Gill plays my second daughter, Gracie Shinn, in The Music Man.  She is enthusiastic and very responsive, very impressive in her part.

Amara Grace Jeffords played Margot in The Diary of Anne Frank.  She is another who I have had the pleasure of watching grow up and mature into a great actress.  She was at my church, Grace Episcopal, and had been prominent at the Flying Dragon, the wonderful children's theatre founded by her parents.

Not pictured is Elizabeth Beck, Kimberly's older daughter (just a month younger than Benjamin).  She also played Margot on a second run of The diary of Anne Frank.  Elizabeth, like her sister, I have had the pleasure of watching grow in the theatre.  She is also a fine dancer and a basketball player.

The Music Man starts Thursday, March 3rd, and runs through Sunday, March 13th.  Make me and my "daughters" happy and come out and see it!
Oh, yeah. Benjamin is in it too!

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