Sunday, April 24, 2016

10 Movies for the Summer: Ripping Good Yarns

It's another exciting summer movie season, and for those who can't wait, summer movies start in MAY!

So here's another rundown of the movies I'm most looking forward to this summer.  Will I get to see them all?  Eventually, but probably not all at the theatre.  Some may conflict with other priorities, some may bomb, and some may wait until we can see them at home.

This list follows the Ripping Good Yarn theme - exciting fiction movies that emphasize melodrama, plot and character - no documentaries, biopics, overly artsy films, small scale dramas - only those most likely to be called Ripping Good Yarns, ones best seen on the big screen.

So that's my rules.  So the first thing I'm going to do is break those rules with choice #10 -

#10 - Free State of Jones.  Sorry, sorry, sorry.  This is just too promising to not include on the list.  Matthew McConaughey plays a Mississippi farmer and returning Civil War Vet who leads a rebellion that is a coalition of poor whites and local slaves.  Yes, it's based on a true story, and should not be on this list.  Nevertheless, it is. Premieres June 24.

#9 - Money Monster premiering May 13th.  It's like one of the old fashioned movie vehicles where big name stars were a guarantee of big box office.  Directed by Jodie Foster and starring George Clooney and Julia Roberts, it has the extra advantage of having an intriguing story - after losing his life savings based on bad advice, a man hijacks one of those creepy investment tip shows.

#8 - The sequel many of you have been waiting for!  We found Nemo, now it's time for Finding Dory, starting June 17th.

#7 - the sequel many of you have NOT been waiting for - at least based on internet feedback.  But I don't care.  I think it's a great idea, and it's directed by the guy who did a great job with Bridesmaid and Spy.  Count me in!  Who'm I gonna call?  Ghostbusters!  this July 15th.

#6 - The Secret Life of Pets.  I don't know much about this except for the trailers look off the leash funny!  What do your pets do when you leave them home alone?  Find out July 8th!

#5 - The BFG premiering August 1st.  It's Spielberg doing a Roald Dahl book.  "Nuff said.  

#4 - X-Men Apocalypse would be ranked #1 or #2 if it had Ellen Page as Shadowcat, but no such luck.  It is rated at least #4 because it has Olivia Munn as Psylocke, and grows out of the very good X-Men First Class movie, which was partially filmed on Jekyll Island.

#3 - yes, DC superhero movies are in a rough patch compared to Marvel.  But I think this might be the one to turn it around.  Still a bit too dark and grim, as it focuses on villains instead of heroes, but it does look like it's going to have a bit better sense of humor.  I look forward to seeing Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Jared Leto as Joker. Suicide Squad coming to theatres on August 5th.

#2 - Star Trek Beyond opening July 22nd.  The first of the new movies was so great, that I can't help but have high hopes for this one.  Idris Elba will be playing Krall, a predatory bad guy out to disrupt the Federation.  Beam me up!

#1 - and the best shall be first!  Leading off the Summer Season on MAY 6TH will be Captain America: Civil War.  In my opinion the Captain America movies have been the height of the Marvel films.  I love the Greatest Generation spirit that inhabits Cap and his actions, and when it comes to the Civil War, I am TEAM CAP all the way!

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