Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post-Tax Deadline Wednesday Wanderings

Yes! Here is the remnants of my Assignment #10,000 cookie.  I am available for events, including weddings...ALL WEDDINGS.

It's over!

Yes, the individual tax deadline has passed.  This phase of our firm's work operation is complete.  It was a hard, long season.  My heart goes out to Bill Higginson, our Senior partner, who lost his beautiful wife, Maxine, to a deadly and all too quick battle with cancer.  We worked together to get stuff done, and to help Bill, even though all our hearts were heavy.

As big as it is, any generalist CPA firm like ours has a constant barrage of deadlines.  Quarterly payroll reports are due by April 30th....there is a backlog of compilation reports....the nonprofit 990 returns are due May 15th...some corporations have deadlines that are not on the calendar year, so they hit year round....we have some extensive audits coming one deadline may be over, but trust me, things go on and there is plenty to do.

Nevertheless, I am happy to tell you that I will get a mini-Spring Break, and will have Thursday and Friday off.  Woohoo!  The firm itself is closing Thursday afternoon and Friday.  Thank you, Ronald Paulk, for helping us get that break - it means a lot to all of the staff that have worked so hard. And Bill is on vacation the whole week with his sons and his grandchildren.

It's over.

Look, I kinda knew when Sanders underperformed in Ohio that he wasn't going to get the nomination, but I had hoped he would stay in there until California at least.  His subsequent long string of victories encouraged me and gave me a small ray of light.  New York crushed those hopes.

But if Hillary and the mass media think this is the end, they are sadly mistaken.  Bernie has enabled many to "feel the bern", the burn of a new, passionate Progressive politics that have captivated a super majority of our younger people, and sometime soon ,the balance of power will be shifted to them.  I can't wait, so let me be the first to say.....

Warren/Gabbard 2020!

It's over.

The cool weather that I love and had hoped to hang on until after tax season when I could enjoy it more, has left the area, probably until November.  The high today is projected to be 86, and the lowest high in the next 15 days is 85, with temps reaching 92 by April 28th.  I want to walk, but I will probably have to do most of it after dark.

It's over.

A number of shows have finished up, including Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead (I will miss Glenn...or Daryl...or whomever it is that met Lucille up close and personal) and How to Get Away With Murder.  I kind of like the new short season shows (10 to 13 to episodes).  You're not dependent on the Fall season, and the shows are constantly changing.  Like, for instance, this Sunday starts......

Game of Thrones!!!

Yeah, I'm excited about that, you betcha.  Jon Snow lives (well, one way or another)!

It's over.

This blogpost, that is.  Something new, fresh and exciting soon and very soon!  I got a four day weekend to get my fiction back on!  Woohoo!

Happy Hump Day!

T. M. Strait

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