Saturday, April 2, 2016

An Open Letter to Republican Presidential Supporters: Saturday Political Soap Box 130

Dear Republican Friends,

What the hell were you thinking?

Stop blaming everyone else for this.  It's not President Obama's fault.  It's not the media's fault.  It's your fault.

You had a field of 17 candidates and you chose these two. A Christian Dominionist versus a fascist con man. This was your choice.

You may have voted for somebody else.  You may not have voted.  But enough of you did that it's put us in this position.  In my own county, these two received 71.5% of the vote.

And if you didn't like all 17 of the candidates, then you may need to revisit your core political philosophy. Maybe you're a closet Democrat, but just haven't been able to face up to it yet.  If you're farther to the right of these candidates, than God help us all.

You're just figuring out you don't like Trump?  Hell, I figured that out when he called Mexicans rapists and murderers.  It was sealed to me that he was not just a joke but the most dangerous candidate of our lifetime, when he muttered about banning all Muslims.

He's not bold and delightfully politically incorrect (don't get me started on how much I despise that concept - that's a future column).  He a Con Man, a Carny, your verbally out of control drunk uncle on Thanksgiving.  If you like him because he's saying what you're thinking, you need to carefully examine what you're thinking.

It's impossible to say what a Trump Presidency would look like as far as actual policy decisions and philosophical approaches, because he's been all over the map.  I imagine it would be impulsive and dangerous, ill thought out and filled with his tirades about how he can't get people to do what he wants them to do.  I imagine all night tweeting sessions as he irrationally attacks every slight he got during the day.  This is what he will do rather than doing his job.

Some Republicans have been stressed that if they don't treat Trump right he will break off and run third party.  I highly doubt that.  He's lazy and disorganized, and that requires too much work.  The rules to get on ballots in all 50 states are complex, and would require more money and time than he is willing to give.  He's already losing out right now, in that the convention rules committee is meeting in North Dakota, and trust me, they will do everything they can to subvert Trump winning.  And he has done nothing to very little to prevent them from doing that - because doing so is just too hard.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is the most hated man in Washington, DC.  He is a complete failure as a Senator, costing the American people billions with his idiotic drives to shut down the government.  Trump may be a mystery but Cruz is not.  You WILL be stripped of Social Security and Medicare.  Obamacare will be repealed with NOTHING to replace it.  We will inflame the Muslim world with carpet bombing and our insolent hatred of people based solely on religion.  America WILL become a more hostile place for anyone who is not a part of a narrow brand of Christianity.LGBT citizens will be cruelly crammed back into the closet, women will be prosecuted for abortion (Trump saying he would punish women who had abortions was really a TRUTH BOMB that revealed what many conservative extremists actually want to do - they're mad at him for letting the cat out of the bag on that one), and income equality will accelerate more so than under any other candidate.

You want the branches of government to stop fighting each other and to git-er-done?  Well, then, Cruz is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve. He will burn this country to the ground to get what he's after.

You're mad at the Republican Congress for not getting the things you wanted, for not politically beating Obama into submission, and thereby running roughshod over the government?  Well, EXCUSE me if we have a multi-branch government that requires compromise and rationality to create solutions.  The President AGAIN and AGAIN offered solutions that more than halfway moved to Republican solutions, and AGAIN and AGAIN Republicans turned him down because it was more about bringing Obama to his knees than helping the country.  Uselessly trying to repeal Obamacare fifty-plus times and ZERO jobs bill?

I repeat.

What the hell WERE you thinking?

What the hell ARE you thinking?

Finally, don't tell me you realize how terrible these two are and then when I ask you if you'll vote for Clinton or Sanders over them, you give me a blank, confused stare.  

Look, you're finally beginning to understand what a threat Trump is.  Please have the stones to make the next decision.  Whatever hate-on you have for Hillary, even in your darkest thoughts, you MUST know she would be a better President than Trump, or even Cruz.

Let me make this clear by a final point -

I think George W. Bush (43) was the worst President in American history.  I'm not asking you to agree - I'm just letting you know that so you'll understand the impact of what I'm going to say next -

If, in some alternate universe, the only choice I had was between Bush 43 and Trump, I would vote for Bush (43) over Trump.  I would do this without a second's hesitation.

Because, although Bush(43) was the worst President we ever had, I honestly believe Trump would be our LAST President.

Let that sink in, and have the courage to return the favor back to me.


T. M. Strait

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