Monday, July 11, 2016

Movie Twofer Monday Musing

It's Monday again.

That's the work world for you.  It always spins back to another work week.


It seems common sensical to me.  you can be pro-police and for Black Lives Matters too.  There is clearly something going on that makes it more dangerous for a an African American in many police interactions than for other groups.

It isn't universal, not by any means.  But it happens often enough to be unsettling.

But there are also heroic moves.  The Dallas police put their own lives at risk, helping civilians get out of harm's way.  The Black Lives Matter people have demonstrated deep support and prayers for what happened to the Dallas police. Tens of thousands protest openly and peacefully throughout the country, often with police being in a positive role, supporting the right to protest.


The open carry laws are sheer lunacy.  You can't tell a good guy from a bad guy...until it is too late. Concealed weapons aren't much better, especially when there is little or no regulation as to who qualifies to carry a concealed weapon.  Even the Second Amendment uses the phrase "well-regulated".  It's time to come back to some common sense sanity regarding guns.


It was a twofer movie weekend for me!  Saw Legend of Tarzan with my son, Benjamin.  It wasn't too high on my list of must-see movies, but I remembered how much my Dad loved Tarzan.  So I took the opportunity to see it with Benjamin.  It wasn't a great film, but it was a good film, with a high-powered story that was formulaic but still action-packed and exciting to watch.  It was disappointing to see Margot Robbie as Jane have to play a damsel in distress so much, but she did it with a certain strength.  Samuel L Jackson was dynamic in his role as a companion to Tarzan, and provided a much needed level of boost of energy and humor.  They raised Tarzan's level of ability to control animals to that of Aquaman. I give it 7 rips out of 10.


We also saw The Secret Life of Pets, this time including Alison.  The theatre was packed and we had to sit in the second row.  That made some of the chase scenes and NYC heights pretty dizzying.  But it was a great movie, with many of the pets carrying personality quirks that we were very familiar with.  I give it 9 rips out of 10.


The History of the Trap sells well with personal sales, but is bombing in online sales, still with only four.  I am zero for July.  It is hard to be seen on Amazon when your book doesn't appear on peoples lists until about page 2,005.  I'll continue to work on it.


Veeps?  I continue to see Tim Kaine as a frontrunner for Hilary Clinton.  I think Trump may pick a military figure for his running mate.  Drumpf is running more as a third party candidate than as a Republican, and that has been the tendency with authoritarians - Wallace picked General LeMay in 1968, and Ross Perot picked Admiral Stockdale in 1992. Qualms about him being pro-choice aside, look for retired General Michael Flynn.

Until nest time,

T. M. Strait

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