Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trumping Scott Baio

What a difference a week makes!

Last Monday, the "highlight" of the RNC was washed up actor hack Scott Baio.

This week, the DNC had first rate heavy hitters from top to bottom, including three of the best convention speeches since, well, a certain Senator Barack Obama was introduced to the big stage in 2004.

We start with one of the very best First Ladies this country has ever had the privilege of gracing our nation.  She was absolutely brilliantly toned, hitting all the right note, personal and policy, and reminding us of all the unnecessary and nasty venom that has been spewed at this family, and that "When they go low, we go high."  A distinguished preview of the speech that Republicans will probably steal in 2024. 

Then came Elizabeth Warren, a very bright woman and an intense fighter for the American people.  I think had she run, she would have beaten Hillary Clinton and then gone on to completely humiliate that demented narcissistic fascist clown, Trump, in an unprecedented landslide.

I LOVED her comment about Trump's campaign being an "infomercial" whose only goal was to prey upon the American people.

We wrapped things up for the evening with the most transformative politician of my lifetime, Senator Bernie Sanders.  A man who has awakened a whole generation of young people that politics can be so much more than it is, that great things can be accomplished when we work together, that it is okay and even desired to dream big and to fight for those dreams.

MSNBC, and I'm sure other media as well, seem obsessed with finding Bernie supporters who were reluctant to transfer their support to Hillary Clinton.  What a surprise that people who are new to politics, who passionately believe in their causes,  cannot turn their loyalty on a dime!

Commentator Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC was trying to give his fellow commentators a reality check - current polling show that 85% of Bernie supporters are already going to vote for Hillary Clinton.  That stat is likely to be 95% or more before the election.  Unless, of course, Hillary eschews the New Progressive Movement, and gallops further to the right instead.

Regardless, we are in a position where any vote not for Clinton is a vote to elect a true monster, the one who signals the death knell for democracy and the beginnings of an authoritarian nightmare, the rule of our Orange Mussolini, our final sayonara to the American Dream.

Thank you, DNC.  For all your heavy handed fingers trying to tilt the scales to Clinton (wow!  those leaked e-mails told me nothing I didn't know before, except for how far in bed Trump may be with the Russians), you delivered a first class convention that had more zing, pop, and power than all four nights of the RNC last week.  Bravo!

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