Saturday, July 30, 2016

Post Convention Caterwauling: Saturday Political Soap Box 137

The most affecting speech of both conventions was not delivered by a political professional, but by a grieving, loving father, the Pakistani-American immigrant letting us know about the incredible contribution and sacrifice that his son, Captain Humayun Khan,  made.  He powerfully waved a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and asked if Donald Trump had ever read it.

Two conventions.  Two sharply different visions of America,  

One was filled with hate and anger, wanting us to build walls and restrict entry into the country by religious faith.  Their platform was the most extreme in history, endorsing conversion therapy for gays, eliminating obamacare and healthcare for millions, criminalizing abortion to the point that even miscarriages would be suspect. Of course, the only intervention into the platform by the Trump people was to endorse the idea that Russia should keep the parts of the Ukraine that they conquered and want to annex.  A strange part of the platform to care about, until you realize the almost blind affection Trump has for Putin, and for the country whose loans are most likely keeping his business interests afloat.

The other was filled with calls to American Exceptionalism, that celebrated our diversity, that respected and honored our military.  The speakers were, almost without exception, powerful and compelling.  Yes, it's true.  Celebrities like Elizabeth Banks, Katy Perry and Alicia Keys carried a thousand times more wattage and electricity than Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato, Jr.  It's also true that the political speakers were better, with dramatic and effectively delivered speeches by the likes of President Obama, Bill Clinton and Vice President Biden (in contrast to the Salem witch trial conducted by Chris Christie, the spittle infected racist rant delivered by Rudy Giuliani, or the 75 minute "I alone can save you" shout teleprompted by Drumpf.

But the greatest contrast was in the speeches by individuals, including Kzir Khan.  Speeches by Muslims, policemen and women, soldiers, mothers whose families have been victimized by violence, church members from the Charleston church attacked by a white supremacist.  It was diversity on display.  But it's not hard to be diverse when your party is the one that is tolerant and welcoming.  It was really the best of America that was on display.

One party emphasized how we were stronget together.

The other party emphasized how the only way to save us from the apocalypse was by handing over the country to an authoritarian strongman, one who will shred the U.S, Constitution that Khizr Khan has come to know and cherish.

The choice is the clearest it's ever been in my lifetime.

Whether you are the most committed Bernie supporter (as I am) or a Ted Cruz Christian dominionist, whether you loved the Clinton years of the 90s or hated them, whether you are a corporate Democrat or a mainstream Republican, whether you voted for Obama or McCain and Romney, no matter where you are on the political spectrum, you KNOW what you must do.  You cannot hand the world's oldest and greatest democracy over to this

Russian backed
Thin skinned
Six time bankrupt


He must lose by the biggest margin in American political history.

Now go!

Do your part!

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