Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Caroling With the Gnats

Benjamin Strait and the Holland girls, Lilly and Carli, getting ready for Grace Episcopal's great caroling expedition/

Oh, the joy of caroling in South Georgia!

All decked out in our Christmasy garb, ready to spread warmth and cheer to those church members whose health does not permit them to come regularly to Mass.  

In 80 degree weather.

With gnats and mosquitoes.

O what joy it is to spread insect born viruses to thee!

And then when we're done, to warm up with delicious, specially prepared hot chocolate and Brunswick Stew!

Ah, Christmas in South Georgia!

Well, we occasionally have forays into temperatures below 60, but it has a hard time staying there.  And once the high 70s and up hit...welcome back to the world of flying insects!

With all of that, it was still a joyous and satisfying celebration.  It was great to see friends, and to see their faces light up.

At the Baptist Village Assisted Living Center, I was able to get Ms. Grace Lee, our OHC Writer's Guild superstar writer, out of her room to see our singing.  She came out and joined us, and, with the help of her walker, joined us in spreading Christmas cheer throughout the whole center.

Our final stop was to see Ms. Kathy Kontos and her sister.  Ms. Kathy has attended Grace all her life, and her family is an important part of our history.  She was very grateful to see us.  I hugged her twice, and left her a collection of some of the writings I do that she likes so much.

Gnats be darned!

Joy to the world!  A child is born!

Merry Christmas!

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