Thursday, June 11, 2020

Mystery Seeds: Keeping Your Distance 33

Alison has been ordering seeds by mail.  Most have come in, identifying whether they are carrots or broccoli or zucchini or sweet potatoes or whatever they are.

One batch of seeds did not.  The only identifier?  That they were from Kyrgyzstan. 

She can't remember what she may have ordered that would have been brought in from that distant land.

The pot above and the second pot below is where Alison has planted our mystery seeds.  The only exception are two lettuce heads she planted.

The rest is weird.  Something that looks like grass.  Others have a four-leaf clover appearance.  And some are on tiny stalks with minuscule white heads.

I'm not sure what they are.  I don't intend to sleep next to them.*

Meanwhile, back in the rest of the garden, we are starting to get some tomatoes that are turning color, mostly yellow, but we have that orangey one in the front.  Tragically, the orange one is starting to develop some rot.  Something orange starting to rot.  Yeah.  The symbolism there...what can I say?  Maybe the best thing to do is to take it from the garden and concentrate on the rest of the tomatoes.  No reason to let the orange one damage the rest.

The zucchini is flowering.  The lettuce is growing - Alison has harvested enough for her salad a couple of times now.  The rest are just waiting for the Orange One's reign to end.

And aren't we all waiting for that?

*that is a reference to the great Scifi classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where alien seeds fall to Earth, and create pods that if you sleep near, they will gestate a likeness of you and then replace you know what?  Never mind.


  1. Wow, the garden looks beautiful! It's awesome that Alison is able to harvest some vegetables for salads!
    I have an app on my phone called Picture This that identifies plants that you take a photo of. I haven't tried it yet. I'm not sure if it'll recognize yours when they're that small, but it might be worth a shot

  2. That's a great idea! I'll let Alison know!
