Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Birds Show Up: Keeping Your Distance 31

Benjamin likes watching birds.

I don't know how that happened, but there it is.

He is known in his online gaming groups as the Bird Facts Guy. At random moments, his characters will insert a bird fact into the conversation. 

So, given that, it was a no brainer that when we decided to have a bird feeder and birdbath, to provide a distraction from our growing garden on the other side of the house, that we put up by the window to Benjamin's study.  Now he can look out his window, while seated at his game-playing desk, and see the birds that visit the feeder and bath.

Is it working for our garden?  Maybe.  So far, our tomatoes have not been attacked.  At this point, however, they have not sufficiently ripened to be tempting.

Our yard and garden look better than it ever has.  Maybe we can avoid ostracization level neglect, which we usually border on.  I still am not enamored with the way our lawn looks -  I'm not a yard person.

Alison's work schedule has resumed normality, so maybe this attention will wan.  My schedule is somewhat relaxed, and I'll probably only be working about half the hours that I was.  The extended tax deadline means I can't miss whole weeks like I desire, but it's getting better.  Benjamin is home all the time.  There is some hope that he will have some summer job soon, but we'll see.

The whole state is acting like the coronavirus is a thing of the past.  IT IS NOT.  And the way we are behaving is making it more dangerous than ever.

I am 100,000% supportive of the peaceful protests that are going on around the country, but I can't help but worry about it might be doing to the spread of the disease.  I won't say anything else in this post about the protests and Trump's vicious and stupid response, but I will be writing more on it in subsequent posts.

Speaking of subsequent posts, my view numbers are cratering.  For those of you who think it's because I dare to be political - think again.  Those are my posts that get the most views.  One of my least viewed posts of recent years is - Story Time With Mr. Tom #2.  Also low are these gardening and bird posts.

Now I'm faced with being forced into a new blogger by late June.  I'm not sure whether my over 2,000 posts (written over ten years) will follow with it.  I don't know if I have the energy to start over.

No, I don't make money from this blog.  Yes, I love to write.  I just have to decide if it is the most effective use of my writing time.

That decision is up in the air.  Like the birds.

Oy.  Maybe that kind of analogy is why my views are crashing.

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