Saturday, October 24, 2020

Final Grades: Saturday Political Soap Box 257


Weird times, huh?

Trying to get on my Soap Box about who to vote for when over 50,000,000 people have already voted?  These numbers are boosted by the Pandemic, but I think it's going to represent a permanent change - I think early voting will become almost as dominant as voting on Election Day.

That may be a good thing unless you wake up on the Monday before Election Day and find out your candidate is starring in a Borat video.

Given that, I'm still going on advocating until Election Day, even though many of you have already voted.  Indeed, my family is voting today, so we'll be part of the early brigade.  Benjamin is home this weekend, and we like to go vote as a family.  My big dream for my home county is for the Republican Candidate to receive a lower percentage of votes than they did in 2016. What did Trump get here in 2016?  87%.

I would do a post of endorsements, but it's not very involved this year.  Vote for Democrats all down the line.  Choose Reverand Raphael Warnock in the Georgia US Senate open primary style race - we need to consolidate behind one candidate to get into the two-person runoff (and there is at least a chance that Warnock could win outright with 50% plus).  

I won't dwell on the incredibly offensive and toxic personality of President Bone Spurs.  What I would like to do is grade the two candidates on a few of the issues that are most important to me. Please note issue discussions about these won't be in great detail.  For greater detail, please see some of my other 250 plus political posts.

Reversing/mitigating Climate Change/Global Warming

The ideal position is support for a Green New Deal.  Biden does not go that far, but he recognizes the crisis's reality and is willing to take serious steps to mitigate it.  On the other hand, Trump doesn't care about it, doesn't think it's real, and wants to gallop us off in a direction designed to accelerate it.

Biden B+  Trump F- 

Universal Health Care

The ideal position is universal health care, which I identify as Medicare for All.  This may be one of my biggest disappointments with Biden, as he has firmly stated he won't implement Medicare For All.  That said, he is for important improvements - improving and preserving the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), and even putting in a public option.  Trump, on the other hand?  He knows nothing other than he wants to destroy Obamacare because it's connected to his predecessor - he doesn't have a real replacement because he really doesn't give a rip after that.

Biden B Trump F-

Raising Minimum Wage

The ideal is a living wage - whatever wage it takes so that a full-time working person can support themselves and their family.  The number most bandied about is $15 per hour.  Biden supports this.  Trump doesn't even support a minimum wage.  I'm not sure he even knows what the minimum wage is.

Biden A Trump F-

Addressing Income Inequality

This involves a lot.  It's highlighted by the fact that as most of the US has fallen into a severe recession, billionaires have actually GAINED in money and power.  Solutions involve tax reform, antitrust legislation, raising wages (as addressed above), the hated necessity of government regulations (including consumer protections - which you might hate, but I don't).  Biden is slightly flawed as he has often represented corporate Democrats, but I think he recognizes the problem and will work in the right direction.  For all of Trump's symbolizing economic resentment, he has done little but serve his Wall Street masters.

Biden B- Trump F-

Systematic Racism

This is deeply ingrained into the American system and has little to do with personal racism (that's a problem, but only a corollary to systematic racism). This will require police reform, ending housing discrimination, prejudicial bank practices, and so much more.  This has to be graded on a curve, as this will take time and requires so much from ALL OF US, not just political leadership.  For the record, Trump can't even say the phrase "systematic racism."

Biden A- Trump F-

Foreign Policy

Some may be surprised at this, given my other positions, but I am not much of an isolationist.  The world is far too complicated for America to withdraw into its own little corner.  But that does not mean that I support military intervention - that should always be a last resort and done with clear objectives in mind.  I believe in a super-strong diplomatic corp and the very best intelligence-gathering agencies we can muster.  Trump has dismantled the diplomats and has tried to turn the intelligence services into his OWN tool for his OWN means. 

Biden A Trump F-

War! What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing. Can it always be avoided?  Maybe not always, but I think it can 95% of the time.  Biden does not seem as potentially militaristic as Clinton did, but I can't rule out, since Trump has put us in so many holes around the world, that war will not happen on the Biden watch.  Trump, for all his bluster, seems less inclined to actually go to conflict.  How that would be true in a second term, and with sinking relationships worldwide, is anybody's guess.

Biden C Trump D+

Preservation of Democratic Institutions and Principles

I mean, good Lord, do I even need to discuss this one?

Biden A+ Trump Z-


I mean, I kinda want this one, but honestly, I also kinda don't care.  We have a lot to get done.  I'll take some compromise, but my God, we have a lot of ground to make up.  Nevertheless, the choice here is clear.  Biden has an almost naive Obama-esque attachment to working with Republicans.  On the other hand, Trump works well with no one, even trashing Republicans if they dare utter a hint of a word in opposition to him or to anything he wants.

Biden A+ Trump Dante's Ninth Level of Hell

Coronavirus Response

Think of the James Bond movie Goldfinger:

Biden: My god, man?  I favor science, masks, reason!  I have an actual plan!  Do you expect us to get over this without a plan?

Trump: No, Mr. Biden.  I expect hundreds of thousands of Americans to die! (Dr. Evil level chortling)

Biden A++ Trump -  A Blackhole of Death and Doom

There are other issues, but I don't want to go on forever.  

After all, I have to get ready to vote this morning.

Biden/Harris 2020

AOC 2028

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