Friday, October 16, 2020

History of the Trap Vol. 2: Chapter Two - Dance Party Part 1


Chapter 2

Dance Party




One by one, they were interrogated.  The questioning led by a team of my Dad, Mr. Eurich (my favorite Social Studies teacher), and Mrs. Novik (Head Guidance Counselor), did their best to ferret out the truth.  All admitted they were friends of Mark Granite, and have often done him favors or offered him support.  All denied any involvement in the killings. 

“That’s something he did on his own, man.  We had nothing to do with that.”  That’s what I heard was the gist of what Ricky Rosalie, fellow track team member, and Granite buddy.

A few were visibly bothered by what happened and accepted with resignation that Mark was guilty.  Some vehemently rejected the idea, insisting that Mark was innocent and that he had been set up.  One blamed me and refused to talk if my Dad was one of the interrogators.  My Dad left, and Mr. Eurich and Mrs. Novik did their job without missing a beat.

Robert Pelly was one of the deniers.  Yes, the very person who witnessed Mark Granite kill Mrs.  Forsyth was one of the most adamant that Mark was being framed.  He did not accuse me of the crime. I’m not sure why.  I was the most convenient patsy, and we had no love for each other.  Up until Mark’s strange confession, I was convinced that Pelley was Lisa’s murderer.

Yes, I did tell my father and the other two interrogators that Robert Pelley was there.  No, he did not directly kill Mrs. Forsyth, but he was there and had done nothing to stop it.  The three said they would take it into account, but they would need more evidentiary support to be able to do anything about it. No one else saw him at the scene. 

Don’t worry, son,” my Dad told me. “I believe you.  We’re going to question his alibiers aggressively, and we’re going to have him under careful watch.” I nodded that I understood. But I didn’t. I loved my Dad, but I was not sure how well half measures would work.

Turns out…not so well.


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