Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Worst COVID-19 Responses

 What are the worst COVID-19 responses you've heard?

I'm not talking about politicians.  I'm talking about everyday people you may have heard or read about.

Here's some of mine - 

"Well, we're all going to get it."

Really?  We just surrender?  That's the answer?

No.  There are countries that have controlled this SIGNIFICANTLY better than us.  We don't have to surrender to anything.

It's just an excuse to not do anything and/or justify Trump's administration's lack of response.

"Yes, I know our county numbers just jumped up quite a bit.  But that's from the prison."

Really?  So, some lives matter more than others? Being from prisoners (and guards) makes them less worthy of consideration?  How Christian of you.

Not from a private citizen, but from a Judge in Wisconsin, when asked to rule on COVID restrictions, dismissed them by saying, "Those are coming from the meat-packing plant, not from our regular people."

Another variation:

"I mean, a lot of these are coming from the elderly, who are sick and vulnerable anyways."

What are we, like some Inuit cultures, gonna set aside declining Grandma on an iceberg and just let her float away?

All life is valuable.  Unnecessarily cutting anybody short, with callous disregard, is WRONG.

This is not exclusively a virus of the elderly.  Not only the elderly suffer and/or die.  By now, we should all know cases that have upended or even ended the lives of otherwise healthy people.

All lives matter.  I can't even believe I have to hear this crap.

"I don't like the way I look in a mask."

Well, too bad, so sad.  I don't even know what to say about this one.  Choosing vanity over others' well-being is beyond the pale (or veil - you know, like a mask).

"Wearing a mask is an infringement of my liberties."

Methinks you don't know what liberty means.  How the word liberty came to mean my right to be a selfish prick exceeds my caring about and responsibility to others, I have no idea.

Should there be mask mandates?  Yes.  Should it have to take a mandate to make people be responsible and take care of each other?  I would hope not.  But that doesn't appear to be the case.

"We can't stay locked down forever."

You know what?  I can't speak to other places, but here where I live, WE NEVER REALLY SHUT DOWN!  Yeah, we pretended to make a stab at it for a couple of weeks, but it was feeble and quickly cut off.  Kemp made sure Georgia was last in and first out, and Georgia numbers show the damage that did and continues to do.

The only way to get out of danger is to COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN FOR FOUR TO SIX WEEKS. If your area hasn't done that, then talk to the hand, man. 

And then after you've gone through that shutdown, you can resume activities, AS LONG AS YOU wear masks and socially distance, test, and contact trace. If you don't do that, you're either going to have to shut down again and again, or you're going to have to watch a lot of people suffer and die.

"I think the Trump administration has done the best job that they can."

If you believe that, then you are straight-trippin', boo.  You need to get out of your Fox News panties and see the world as a whole.

4% of the population with 20% of the world's cases and deaths is NOT A GOOD JOB!

Those are a few I've heard.  What are some of yours?

C'mon!  Please!  Let's make this interactive!

Don't make me feel like I'm all alone out here.

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