Friday, October 2, 2020

I Can't Stop It: Saturday Political Soap Box 254


I can't stop it.  Every day, I look afresh in the kaleidoscope of events, only to find we have moved on to something new.

Books come every day.  From family members, from former staff, from reputable reporters who have his words on tape.  He calls military people losers and suckers, he acknowledges the virus in private but dismisses it in public, he makes fou of evangelicals behind their backs.

He plots to win the election, even if he loses the vote.  His team censors scientific reports, on coronavirus, on climate change, on a myriad of fronts.  He treats Democrats and others not aligned with him as if they were enemies of the people.

And it all comes so fast and furious that none of it sticks.  Trumpeteers ignore it.  We're horror-struck but are immediately distracted by the next train wreck.

Trump's Tax Returns are a Charlatan Smeared Mess!

There is no good way to spin these obscenities.

Either he cheated big time and he's gonna get caught, unless he stays forever in the White House, I guess.

OR he played that system like a well-tuned fiddle, which says monstrous things about our tax system if the rich can get away with so much.

The numbers are shocking to people.  This self-proclaimed billionaire only paid $750 in 2016 and 2017?  How is that possible?  I bet many of my readers paid much more.  

The reason he's in audit is a $72+ million dollar refund that the IRS feels there is a good possibility he will have to pay that back.  With penalties and interest, we're clocking in at over $100 Million Dollars!

100 Million dollars he probably doesn't have, because...

the same information reveals that he owes $421 Million Dollars! most of which is due in the next four years!

How will he pay it back?  Because when debt is considered, he is not one of the richest men in America, he is one of the POOREST!

There is a lot to be used with here but here are the most important questions -

Who does he owe it to?

How will he get the money to pay it back?

These are super important national security questions, that need to be answered before the election.

But another day passes, and the kaleidoscope turns again, and...

Trump and the debate debacle from Hell!

All of America agrees with this one.  What the hell waa that s---show?

Trump was roaring off the chain - yelling, interrupting, blurting a fountain of lying, diarrhetic crap.

He wouldn't denounce white supremacy.  Worse, he ENABLED it - that's what stand back and stand by meant - keep your powder dry, boys!  I may need you soon!

He denied the legitimacy of the election and refused to accept the results if he loses.

He attacked one of Biden's son as a drug addict of low character and refused t acknowledge the military service of Biden's other son.

He dismissed the virus, and how his large rallies were safe (SPOILER ALERT - that did not turn out well).  He rambled about forest raking, promised a vaccine that he can't deliver on, basically called Biden stupid, and on and on nd on.

And what did Biden do?  The best he could under the circumstances.  Yes, he said Will you shut up, man?  after Trump interrupting for minutes and Joe asking him Donald would you be quiet? Biden put up with a lot more than I would have.

Yes, he called Trump a liar (FACT CHECK - he is).  Yes, he called him a racist (FACT CHECK - he is).  Yes, he called him a clown (as some interviewed decided voters said, "if the clown shoe fits...".

This was not just Trump going off his nut.  This was Trump deliberately trying to bombard and confuse Biden - get him to stumble and stutter, take advantage of the fact that Biden has a speech impediment so that people would think Biden is mentally unfit.

This is more monstrous than even a bad debate performance.  This is pure, motherducking evil.  

But we don't have a chance to dwell on that, because the kaleidoscope twists again, and...

Trump has COVID-19

For real.  Probably.  Unless...they're making it up.

Ok.  I believe it's real.

So, let me first make it clear...

My sincerest thoughts and prayers that the First Couple and others in the White House for a healthy recovery, and to all who are suffering from this dangerous and deadly virus.

Seriously, I don't wish anybody harm.  But he is RESPONSIBLE for the terrible and incompetent reaction to this virus.  His callousness and misinformation have resulted in the US having countless more deaths and cases than we should have.

Some of my friends are worried about the political ramifications this will have.  Will he get an early vaccine and trumpet it?  Will he be like Brazil President Bolsanaro and brag when he beats it, justifying his dismissive attitude towards the disease.  Brazil has paid a price like the US had.  They are No. 3 in cases and Mo. 2 in deaths.  The US is Number One in both categories.

I don't mean to be mean but this is Karma, big time.  He flaunted the rules, ignored the advice of his own scientists and the CDC, and now he and those around him are paying the awful price.

People are strange. Will he pay a political price?  I don't know.  To quote the President, "it is what it is".

And it was terribly predictable based on his behavior.

How will the kaleidoscope shift our picture tomorrow?

I don't know.  But, yes, I am anxious and a little bit afraid.

Please, November 3rd, hurry up and bring us good news.



I see they're taking him to Walter Reed.

The Kaleidoscope just keeps shifting.

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