Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Bear is Cornered: Saturday Political Soap Box 255


We are in perilous times.

Polling indicates that Biden has a very substantial lead, even in important battleground states.

That should ease the minds of the majority of us, who are so anxious to see the end of Trump's presidency.

It does not.

Maybe I've seen too many horror movies where the final twist scares us and makes us realize that not everything ends well.

Maybe we still feel the pain from witnessing Hillary's Clinton clear popular victory win get overturned by an electoral college squeaker.

But a cornered bear, a wounded bear, is by far the most dangerous.

Trump is now flailing wildly, and he doesn't care who he hurts or takes down to get his way.  His interviews are becoming more and more unhinged, demanding the immediate arrest of his political opponents.

He has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of COVID, bragging about his health while providing no details. He promotes REGENERON, a medicine developed from fetal cells obtained from an aborted baby, huckstering it like he was a late-night television barker. Yet he provides no real detail about his health,  And he is ready to endanger thousands again with an early, unwarranted return to White House events and political rallies across the country.

Is he well or in roid rage?  No one knows for sure.  We don't even know when he got it and how long he was contagious.

But he sees that he is sinking in the polls and is coming out full scorched Earth.  

He will offer bribes ($200 drug card to Medicare Seniors).  He will call for the rest of his rivals and call them monsters and communists.  He will destabilize our belief in the election results and energize his base's most radical elements to take violent action.

Think I'm kidding?

Why don't we ask Governor Whitmer of Michigan, where the FBI helped bring to arrest a group of domestic terrorists determined to kidnap the Governor of Michigan and put her on trial?


For DARING to control the spread of COVID in Michigan, for the affrontery of mask mandates and the temporary closing of some businesses.

In April, many involved in this were part of a group that stormed the Capital, protesting, invading legislative sessions while brandishing military-grade weaponry, blocking the entrance to Sparrow Hospital.  And what was Trump's response to this criminality?

His tweet?


His response to the arrests this week?  To continue to blame and denigrate Governor Whitmer!

Sadly, the cornered bear is not just Trump.  It is all the right-wing extremists he has hopped up with his support and his special message to "stand back and stand by."

As it becomes more self-evident that Trump is running way behind, and when he does decisively lose the popular vote, I fear many will not fade into the woodwork.  That the FBI is right - the greatest terrorist threat to the US are right-wing extremists.

Trump is uncorking that evil, and I'm not sure it can be put back.

No, even when Biden wins, this will not go away.  It may become more violent than ever.

We cannot stop being vigilant.

We cannot stop sounding the alarm.

The bear is cornered, but he is not gone.

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