Friday, May 18, 2012

Benjamin Plays Captain Clean-Up!

Captain Clean-Up! Seven certificates, three medals and a trophy. Includes all As and exceeding all parts of the CRCT. His favorite? Master of the Rubik's Cube!

Yeah, Daddy though he had his iPhone camera in camera mode when it was actually in video mode.  Sigh!  Daddy will learn over time.

So this wraps up Benjamin's Fifth grade experience, and next year he will start middle school.  We will have to keep him focused, since middle school is more intense, with more frequent classroom changes.  He is going to try out for band, so I'm hoping his mother and brother Doug's musical abilities and eye/hand coordination shine through, instead of Daddy's slowed timing between brain and physical movement.

We had looked forward to him working in drama with his godmother Angela Manders, but alas, that is not to be, as she has chosen to leave teaching. Hopefully, there will still be a drama program, and there is Flying Dragon and Waycross Area Community Theatre (WACT).

Benjamin, your parents, family and friends salute you!!!


  1. They change classes in 6th grade?? I do believe that was a year before we did. It's nice he will have so many outlets to let himself shine through.

  2. I changed from Bridgeport Elementary (fifth was actually housed in the Junior high - go figure!) to Thomas White Elementary for Sixth Grade, a brand spanking new school.
