Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ripping Good Yarns!

Tired of the artsy-fartsy films and TV shows winning all the big awards?  Remember when ET was beaten out by Gandhi, and now everyone still watches ET but virtually no one watches Gandhi?  When Shakespeare In Love beat out Saving Private Ryan?  The only two movies I've ever fallen asleep in at the theater were both Best Picture winners - Out of Africa and The Last Emperor.

No body's saying these are bad movies.  They probably, for the most part, are deserving of accolades.  But it gets tiring that for every Return of the King (final part of The Lord of the Rings), they,re twenty winners that you go. well, that was a fine movie, but it wasn't very....ripping.

A ripping good yarn should have an exciting story.  A ripping good yarn should have colorful characters that you care about.  A ripping good yarn should be melodramatic and big.They're large scale, with action and romance, emotion and heart, adventure and thrills.

In future posts, I will detail this concept more.  Right now, I would like to introduce the first Ripping Good Yarn awards.  We have just finished the main television season, and it would be a good time to look back and nominate our favorites.  Broadly speaking, we are looking at scripted shows (no reality shows, no news programs, no sporting events) that have exciting, melodramatic plots and compelling characters.  They can be science fiction, crime procedurals, romance, medical dramas, the whole gamut.  Please post shows you would like considered here or on Facebook.  I will post some that I would like to be considered tomorrow.

Here's to Ripping Good Yarns!  Saludo!


  1. Unforgettable
    The Walking Dead
    Hell on Wheels

    1. Benita...great list. Needs Missing with Ashley Judd..have you seen it? Look for it because it fits right in with these. :)

  2. I haven't seen Revenge yet, but I have heard many good things, so I hope to catch it in Summer repeats or online. All four choices are the type of shows I'm talking about, and I will certainly add them to the mix! Thanks!

  3. Like I said to Benita above...Missing. It was edge-of-your-seat exciting. But, I also love Warehouse 13, Person of Interest and The Mentalist. I have two other shows I watch, but I'm in the closet with them. haha. Being Human and Lost Girl...syfy. Great blog, Tom!

  4. Again, these are all eligible shows! I think we're getting the hang of it! I never saw Missing. I understand NBC cancelled it even the ratings were getting better. They probably pulled the trigger a little too quickly.

    Did anyone see The River? I had a friend who though it was amazing.

  5. I started watching Missing and The River both...but they must have been up against something else that ended up winning out.
