Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Release the Hounds of Taxlessville!

Oh, that Harry Reid.  That vile man.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is out making claims that he has heard that Mitt Romney paid no taxes in ten years of his returns.  This is sourced from something he supposedly heard from an investor in Bain Capital.  And not only will Harry Reid not apologize, he keeps repeating the same claim.  Over and over and over again!  What is wrong with him?  I'm going to start getting very confused if Democrats start behaving like Republicans!

Masters of the Faux News technique of "some say" , many Republicans lead the charge to innuendo and baseless claims. From birth certificates to death panels to the hoax of trickle-down economics, it's hard to top their level of blarney and rumor.  Not that Democrats don't try on occasion - they're just not very good at it.

So should the Mittbot release his tax returns?  Yes.  Not because of Harry Reid, but because the American people deserve to know.  They need to know just how out of balance our tax system is.  Mittbot 2012 says he paid all the taxes he was legally obligated to do so.   Stripped down that is political gobbledygook for if I didn't pay zero I came as damn close to it as I was able.  Given the tax loopholes available to people like Romney, a zero rate is perfectly plausible.  Hell, he may have even gotten money in rebates and credits that he didn't put in!

The prima facie problem is the one hundred million dollar IRA.  How the heck did that happen?  With limits on how much you can put into an IRA each year, you'd have to have the investment of the century to build up that kind of nest egg.

The powerful lawyers and accountants surrounding the Mittbot Empire must be aggressively taking advantage of everything they can, playing at the edges of permissible law.  And, of course, they and the Mittbot are incapable of mis-step.  Well, Romney did claim to be able to run for Governor of Massachusetts because his tax returns stated he was a Massachusetts resident.  Which they did no such thing.  Why those darn accountants must have goofed up.  No problem, says Mittbot!  I'll just "retro-actively" change it to Massachusetts.  Because tax returns are like magic!  And you can magic them to say whatever you want!

That is, it's easy to magic them when you're extremely wealthy, and you have an army of lawyers and accountants assisting you, and a Congress willing to write any loophole you need to help insure they get future campaign contributions.  Ann Romney got a larger tax deduction from her pet horse than most of the annual salaries of those who read this blog.

We need to see Mitt Romney's tax returns.  Not just because it will help us determine what kind of man and President Mitt Romney might be, but so that we can see the rottenness at the core of our tax system.  They less they pay, the more you pay.  It's time to get a good, strong look at the wealthy's most impressive resort - Taxlessville.



  1. I don't even think it matters anymore. People are not stupid. His stance to not show anymore tax returns speaks volumes as to the man he is and what lies on those pages. He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.

  2. I sincerely hope that you are right.

  3. ...and to think, he insisted on the vp candidates being vetted to release 10 years of returns. Clearly he knows the importance of releasing them, but he refuses to do so himself because HE HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE!
