Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Librarian of Tyvale

At the nexus of all worlds
At the conjunction of crosstime dreams
Was the world where it all collides -

July 2 1503 AD
The ship El Profeta II
Went searching for Peter Rose's brother
Across the great unknown Atlantic
And wound up lost in -
The Saragossa Sea.

A mist came up
A whirlpool swirled
The ship crossed dimensions
Swept away, blown into -
Pazora Bay.

Overtime the ship and crew
Joined with the Pazoran tribe
And conquered an entire continent
From the northern Bay of Ice
All the way to the southern tip -
Forbidden Cape.

Peter Rose was not satisfied with being a conqueror
He wanted to find his brother
He looked for clues at the Rider's Plain
He traveled across the continent of Anima
All the way to -
Western Sonzobar.

In the land of Mylecia
Deep within Western Sonzobar
He found something more than his brother
He found the woman of his dreams
Princess Maris of the Mylecian city state -

There she gave him a child
A strong, stocky, intelligent child
A child she called Marcus Rose
And he inherited his father's desire to quest and learn
That drove him to join a quest to -

And there he would learn the secrets
The secrets of where the "Europeans" like his father
Where they came from and how they got here
And how one might be able to go back
Open up the multiverse to exploration -
All the universes!

But then they met Marlyn Crodan
And he challenged the questors
Making easy work of them
Except for the challenge Marcus raised.
But even Marcus lost his struggle
And was banished to a distant land -

And there he was trapped to a huge library and it's grounds
Unable to leave any farther
The only hope he saw, the only one who might break him free
He could only glimpse as she edged near
And pray that she would enter
And change his life forever as he lay trapped just beyond the -


  1. Is there more? It sounds like Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner in space- were you aiming for that or are you just that good?

  2. It is a brief introduction to my imaginary world of Pazoria, something I've been working on since 10th grade.


  3. woah, I thought I was taking a long time with "In November" been working on that one since 99. I liked it. You have to work on it more.
