Saturday, November 22, 2014

All About the Hate No Legal Saturday Political Soap Box 99

Yes, yes, I usually don't include memes or articles I've found in my political soap boxes.  But here is the exception after the first 98 soap boxes did not have them.  This makes it clear that President Obama has used the fewest executive orders of any president since William McKinley.  That was like, 115 years ago.
But it's not just about executive orders, you say?  It's about executive orders relating to immigration?

Oops!  Guess others have used them.  And in about the same size and scope of the President (I could add another story that verifies that, but I don't want to go too meme-happy).  Of course, President Obama is dealing with the biggest do-nothing Congress in the history of our Republic, so something has to be done in the face of that inaction.  The house has been sitting on a bill for over 500 days that was passed by the Senate and is likely to be passed by the House, except Boehner, terrified of the extremists in his party, refuses to bring it to a vote.

So this is not about President Obama's action in and of itself.  It's clearly within the legal parameters of what a President can do.  So it's not about the legality. No no no.

It's all about the hate.  It's all about the fact the President ACTED.  That he did anything.  If it wasn't about this, it would be something else.  It's not a legal strategy.  It's not about preserving the constitution. The goal isn't to stop a crazed President from exceeding his legal authority.  The goal is to completely mute his power, to turn him into a figurehead for the next two years, to cow him into submission.  

Well guess what, you emboldened extremists!

It's not going to work!

The President came out swinging, and he's going to keep doing it.  He doesn't have to serve you, and he doesn't have to serve the Blue Dog Democrats.  And sadly, he doesn't have to serve the Progressives.  He's going to serve the American people and what he perceives to be the best interests of our country.

He's not a dictator.  He can only do so much.  But what he can do, he will.  And you can't intimidate him into silence.

This will get uglier.  They may try a shutdown again.  Some of the more insane may try to move forward impeachment.  Lawsuits will spring up like weeds in a rainy spring.  But I do believe the President will hold firm.  And I do believe he will win.

You have already suffered a major casualty in your little war, Republicans.  You have lost the bulk of the Hispanic/Latino vote for generations to come, and I don't think there is anything you can do to get it back.

So keep it all about the hate, Republicans.

Who knows what else you can lose?

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