Monday, May 2, 2016

Jessie's Girl and Other Monday Musings

Alison is now Jessie's girl.  Yes, we have a brand new foster.  Her name is Jessie, and appears to be a dachshund/chihuahua mix.  She is tiny, only about half the size of our Pixie.  She was hit by a car, and favors one of her front legs, which was bruised in the collision.  Miraculously, she has no broken bones or other injuries.

She stated out terrified and shivering, scared of everybody.  But Alison, with an assist from our friendly pack of three dogs, has brought her out substantially in just a couple of days.


My weight is down.  At least it was on Friday, when I achieved a weight that is probably my lowest in the last twenty years.  My lower back and leg pain has receded, thanks to reduced time at work, including getting my Fridays back. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is as high as it's ever been. I am going to see somebody at the doctor's office tomorrow, so hopefully they will help me get a handle on that.


I'm no fan of Ted Cruz (that's an understatement), but I was hoping he could throw a roadblock in front of Donald Trump clinching the Republican nomination on the first ballot.  Unfortunately, he is fading in the Indiana polls, and his announcing of Carly Fiorina as his running mate was a strange and desperate move that I think hurt his candidacy way more than it helped.  What kind of bubble do these people live in where they think a failed CEO is someone that will boost their campaign?

Meanwhile, Sanders may beat Clinton in Indiana.  I repeat...may.  The mainstream has completely dismissed Bernie as a presence in the race.  It's hard to say what the people in the remaining primary races will do with that - some people are bandwagoners and just want to go with the "winner".  Only time will tell how prevalent an attitude that is.  Historically, Hillary is not a very effective front-runner, but she's got a lot of media certainty behind her now, so we'll see.  It's important to me that Bernie at least remain competitive through the California primary.  Everyone should have a right to weigh in.


Game of Thrones is zooming past the books now.  Something happened last night that I will do my best not to spoil, but I will express my belief that George R R Martin might have handled it differently, but with the same end result.

Warg on, Game of Thrones!

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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