Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday's Wandering Branches

Photo taken by Boatdock Bill Davis.

It's Wednesday and I'm a-wandering.  Mentally speaking, of course.

I used to wander more on Monday - well, more like muse, actually - but now that day has seemed to wander more to the middle of the week.  My mind is fried and my spirit is scrambled.


I am still struggling with last week's tragic losses, and the two funerals I went to on Saturday.  I empathize with the pain so many of those in the families and close to the families are going through.  It, and other recent passings, have caused me to think a lot about retirement.  It should make me think about valuing the now, and letting my phasing out and/or retirement from accounting take care of itself.  How can one live only for a a time that may be months or years away?  Shouldn't I just enjoy the way things are now?

Anyways, I don't have an answer.  It's just what I'm trying to reason out.


Meanwhile, nothing I do seems to be making my blood pressure any better.  Losing weight, changing diet, increasing exercise, staying on medication - nothing is helping me lower the numbers.  I haven't done yoga yet, so I may have to add that.


I don't want to get on the roof of the house.  I'm clumsy and insecure, and our ladder is not well placed in order to make the final humpf onto the roof.  We accumulate debris, particularly from a large oak tree near our house, and the branches and acorns and leaves need to be periodically cleaned out.

I just found out last night that someone else took the risk for me, someone whom I did not want to have to go on the roof of our house.  It was very disturbing to me to find out this happened.  I don't want it to ever happen again.  So either I have to learn to get on the roof of the house, or I have to hire someone who will. If I bring in somebody else, I have to find that person, and not leave it to others.


Election news continues to be depressing.  Yes, even when Sanders wins, the mass media spends most of its time dismissing its importance and speculating on Hillary's VP choice. I want Bernie to make it to California. I want everyone to have had a chance to vote for him.

I often see Hillary people get nasty and vicious about Bernie and his supporters, and I see the same thing sometimes from the Bernie people towards Hillary.  I'm sick of the whole thing and we need to STOP IT. Yes, I infinitely prefer Sanders to Clinton, but we are faced with the greatest threat to democracy that this nation has seen in a long time, and we have to get our act together to prevent that fascist con-man from entering the oval office.

I am PRO-BERNIE, and I wish we had viable third parties in this country, but we are simply not electorally structured that way.  So although PRO-BERNIE, I am not BERNIE OR BUST - not if the bust part means allowing the oozing evil of Trump to slime his way in.


It's way past time to blank or get off the pot on publishing a book.  So, for now, I will self-publish and worry about an agent later.

Now, if I could only solve the cover dilemma.


Wanderlingly yours,

T. M. Strait

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