Monday, May 23, 2016

No More Fish and Other Monday Musings

It was a great event.  And we were honored to be a part of it.  The Hollands threw the church a Fish Fry Saturday night to thank the church for our support in Donald becoming a Deacon to the Episcopal diocese.

I tried.  Really, I did.  Every few years, I convince myself the other times were a fluke, and that I can really like fish if I just psych myself up.

This time, it was a whiting fillet, about the mildest fish you can get.  And it was fried.  People can eat shoelaces if they're fried. So I can do this!

Ok.  Well, I got about 50% down of one fillet.  It had skin underneath, and that part made it very fishy (at least to me - no one else seemed to notice).  There were sides, like cheese grits and slaw, and I concentrated on those.

Later, I began to feel ill.  Nauseous, upset stomach,  throat swelling, and the taste of fish would not leave my mouth.

I spent most of Sunday trying to make up for it, and wound up gaining back all the weight I had lost the previous week. more fish.  Sorry if that upsets my more health conscious friends, but I just can't do it.

Well, maybe in a few years, I could try Long John Silver's, extra-fried and drowning in malt vinegar, tartar sauce and ketchup.  Don't that sound healthy?


The weekend was a disappointment writing wise, getting little done on my "positive style sci-fi story".  Even more importantly, I continue to waffle on getting my books published/self-published.  Every weekend I think I'm going to do something, and every weekend I wind up Hamletting it.  Very frustrating.


Game of we know Hodor is saying. "Hold the door" .  The most heartbreaking episode yet.


The Clinton people are getting out of hand.  The Karl Rove style ruining of Sanders and his supporters is getting to be a bit much.  And watching the media and Republican Party suck up to the fascist con man is making me more sick to my stomach than the fish did.


My blood pressure is showing only the slightest of improvements, but at least it is an improvement.  Maybe if I ate more fish.  ......   HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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