Saturday, May 21, 2016

Searching for a Progressive Georgia US Senate Candidate: Saturday Political Soap Box 134

Here's the central question - if you are for Bernie Sanders and the progressive message he stands for, who do you vote for in the US Democratic Senate primary.  This is not an idle question.  If the Sanders movement means anything, it has to start influencing the election of federal, state and local officials.

I don't mean to exclude Hillary voters.  There are many Hillary voters whom I believe are almost or just as progressive as Bernie voters, but voted for Hillary for personal or strategic reasons.  Many want a woman President, and we are way overdue for that in this country.  I myself am looking forward to a President or Vice-President Warren or Gabbard.

And, yes, slowly but surely, I think this group will include an increasing number of independents and even Republicans.  I know there are Republicans who are beginning to have serious questions about the direction of their party, and even if they cannot bring themselves to say or like words like "progressive" or "liberal", the fact is when they are polled, whether they understand it or not, they are beginning to support more ad more progressive ideas.

But that wake up time will come only when the Georgia Democratic establishment fully and loudly endorses progressive values. People won't nostalgically vote for a Nunn or a Carter just because they have Democratic names from the past - not if their ideas are often a sad echo of the past.  Republican lite as a rallying cry is a ridiculous notion - why vote for the pale imitation when you can vote for the real thing?

The newest flavor of pale imitation is Jim Barksdale, the candidate endorsed by the Democratic establishment.  Why?  Because he is a rich investment banker who can help self-fund his campaign.  It's hard to tell what he is politically.  He's mostly running on the crappy message of "I'm not a politician" and "Look at me!  I'm wearing a hat, so that means I'm just an average guy like you!"  He claims to have made his clients money by foreseeing some of the economic collapse and "standing against Wall Street bankers"  - whatever that means.  If you want carefully thought positions that you can measure out as progressive or not, you can forget it.  He's running on platitudes and "trust me - I'll do the right thing."  I pass.  I do not recommend that Team Bernie votes for him. so NO TO BARKSDALE.

There are few sources to consult with in trying to research this.  I have in the past looked at the Atlanta Progressive News.  This year, however, for the first time, have publicly DECLINED to endorse any one. Also Project Progressive simply declares there are NO progressives running for Georgia US Senate.

So on to whatever candidate websites I could find.

Trying to find information on James Knox is like trying to search for a unicorn.  He is an Air Force veteran. That's all I got.  If anybody finds out anything else, please let me know.  Until then, I have to say NO TO KNOX.

Cheryl Copeland is a corporate manager.  She has very few articulated positions, but those she has sound more like a conservative Republican than a even a moderate Democrat.  NO TO COPELAND.

John F Coyne III is another one with mostly a business background, but he has some commission work, and was prominently involved with Georgia Special Olympics.  He at least has clearly identified himself as a Democrat.  The Atlanta Progressive identified him as a moderate to conservative Democrat.  He looks like a good old boy, which, actually, may be a good thing.  His language is a little basic, and he seems to over focus on being miffed that the Georgia Democratic establishment is pushing Barksdale instead of him.

So, this is by far less than the ideal candidate.


In looking over his positions on some issues, he is far more detailed and intriguing than the others.  His tax plan seems almost stolen from my own blog posts concerning tax reform.  His position on health care coverage is more progressive than Hillary Clinton's, desiring to vastly expand Medicaid/Medicare in a program he calls Medi-Health. He favors increasing teacher pay, and significantly raising the minimum wage. Unlike the others, he is at least articulating positions that have at least a whiff of progressivism to them.

So, I, Tom Strait, a firm believer in Sanders progressivism, intend to  VOTE FOR COYNE.

I beg of you, any Georgia progressives who may possess additional information or knowledge, please weigh in.  I thirst for your input.

MEANWHILE,,,,another special message to the Georgia Democratic establishment.....

A recent Atlanta Journal/Constitution poll showed Clinton only four percentage points behind Trump in Georgia! Wow!!! Isn't that close?  Isn't that exciting!

Of course, the same poll also showed Bernie Sanders FIVE POINTS AHEAD of Trump!  That's right. Bernie beats the Donald...IN GEORGIA!!!

The message is clear.

If you want to win back Georgia, stop going with a heavily red-tinged Blue (calling it purple or violet wouldn't do it justice - it's basically red disguised as blue).  Go with deep Blue.  Go Progressive.

Reluctant to do that?

We're organizing.  We're coming.

Whether you like it or not.


  1. i think you have missed the point of the Obama legacy. it is not how liberal a candidate leans but rather how good a person they genuinely are that should earn your vote.

  2. That is a factor, but only part of it. I want to vote for the best person that is closest to my political values.
