Thursday, June 9, 2016

An Unfortunate Delay

What?  I've already done a blog story with this picture?  What can I say?  The repetition has only just BEGUN!  I AM THE SHILLMASTER!

I have some unfortunate news for those blessed few who are waiting for a trade paperback version of my book.
There will be a slight delay in publication.
Why, Tom, why?

Well, thanks for asking.
I have decided to get my book identified  with a special number/code, the LCCN, that will allow it to be placed in the Library of Congress and more easily with libraries and maybe with retail booksellers.
That's good, right?
Well, yes it is, BUT, the process takes up to ten days and it must be included in the book.  That means I can't finalize my proof until that number is entered.
That means I won't have any books available before I leave for Michigan.  That means I won't have any copies to hand deliver to my Michigan friends.  And it may make it difficult to have copies at the next Way Green - I'm still hopeful that I could get some by then, but I can't guarantee it.
I'm so sorry, but I hope you understand that I can't pass up this opportunity for increased distribution.  Who wouldn't want to be among the millions of books at the Library of Congress?
Given this, I still promise to get the book out as quickly as the process allows.
Hang in there!
The Trap paperback is coming soon!

Maybe not as soon as I hoped, but still....coming soon! 


1 comment:

  1. It will be worth the wait. I am waiting for the sequel!
