Monday, June 27, 2016

How Grand to Have A Grand Niece!

OK, it's true.

I had been on vacation, which is the primary reason I didn't post much.  I tend to save the pictures and blog posts for when I get back.  Just the way I roll.

So the first stop on our vacation was......

East Lansing!

Or maybe it was Lansing.  Or Waverly.  Or something.  I'm not sure.  My sister and brother-in-law sold their home and are living temporarily in an apartment while a condo unit is being built for then in Grand Rapids.

Why are they moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan?


Please see the picture just below....

This is their grand-daughter.  She is their daughter Tiffany's child.  Tiffany and Derek live in Grand Rapids.  So why are my sister Carol and brother-in-law Mike moving to Grand Rapids?

To be closer to their grandchild, of course.  I would be tempted to do the same, if I had a grandchild, which I don't.

Her name is Bailey.  She is roughly ten months old.  She is very bright and curious.  I did not see her cry. She was very happy and engaged with us.  She loves food, and is trying new foods every day.  She crawls and can push along with a push stroller type toy.  She is not using words yet, but her non-verbals are bery expressive, and she makes it quite clear whan she wants more food.

Here I am holding her up for a picture with me and Alison.  I was so happy that I did not make her cry.  I'm not always sure how kids are going to react to me, so it meant a lot to me that she responded well to me.

Yes, it's true.  Even though many my age have grandchildren, I do not.  But now I have a grand niece!  And it was a joy to get to see her this trip.

Oh, I also saw Carol and Mike, and Bailey's parents, Tiffany and Derek.  I guess I should have taken some pictures of them.  But I forgot.  I was to busy taking pictures of Bailey.

Here's another picture of Bailey.  Why?  Because I can.  And for that first day of vacation, that's basically what's on my phone camera.

Imagine what it will be like if I ever do get a grandchild.

I may have to re-name my blog.

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